Message from @Antiboom

Discord ID: 572977881093767189

2019-05-01 02:34:49 UTC  

the fact that you can think whatsoever is proof of timezones

2019-05-01 02:35:24 UTC  

time zones are a social construct

2019-05-01 02:35:57 UTC  

they are as much of a construct as seconds are to instants of reality, they are necessary for our perception of reality

2019-05-01 02:36:32 UTC  

dude before people figured out they needed time zones they were still able to perceive reality

2019-05-01 02:36:59 UTC  

unfortunately that is unproveable, though an interesting posit

2019-05-01 02:37:18 UTC  

<:think_woke:378717098681171988> ☝🏿

2019-05-01 02:40:40 UTC  

styxhexenhammer is now king of youtube 👍🏿

2019-05-01 02:42:12 UTC  

That's about all.

2019-05-01 02:42:15 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:44:27 UTC  

yeah but what about the king of vanillo

2019-05-01 02:45:28 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:45:35 UTC  

litrally google it

2019-05-01 02:45:37 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:46:07 UTC  

how active is this lol?

2019-05-01 02:46:25 UTC  

how'd pewdiepie cuck out?

2019-05-01 02:46:44 UTC  

well he didn't RLY cuck out <:shap:497652686603288576> ppl just see it that way

2019-05-01 02:47:29 UTC  
2019-05-01 02:47:53 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:48:07 UTC  
2019-05-01 02:49:26 UTC  

oh sorry yeah, ppl are reffering to his latest stopping the sub2pewdiepie thing as a cuck out @Antiboom

2019-05-01 02:49:32 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:49:33 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:49:35 UTC  


2019-05-01 02:49:35 UTC  

that's a cuck

2019-05-01 02:49:52 UTC  

i feel the same

2019-05-01 03:04:51 UTC  

Well rip my meme source dankulas server was cleansed from the interwebs so BBC can say it had stuff it didnt

2019-05-01 03:06:13 UTC  

Uhh why

2019-05-01 03:06:34 UTC  

Discord optics

2019-05-01 03:06:54 UTC  

Looks like we're next bois

2019-05-01 03:07:01 UTC  

to be fair there was a lot of shitposting people eating eachother's shit from their assholes

2019-05-01 03:07:13 UTC  

It was fun giving piggyback rides while it lasted

2019-05-01 03:07:15 UTC  

na i think it;s because we were talking shit about furries pretty hard this morning

2019-05-01 03:07:16 UTC  

That's disgusting

2019-05-01 03:07:34 UTC  

then the server was renamed "death to sargon of akkad"

2019-05-01 03:07:43 UTC  

i was spammed with it <:pepeping:466401908811235329>

2019-05-01 03:08:09 UTC  

lol wtf rly @flyingfoxel

2019-05-01 03:08:27 UTC  

oh i was there

2019-05-01 03:08:38 UTC  

My name as assigned as "Death to Carl Benjamen" in it lol

2019-05-01 03:08:53 UTC  

things were >.> interesting

2019-05-01 03:09:01 UTC  

Mad lads

2019-05-01 03:09:05 UTC