Message from @Sock

Discord ID: 579845260457279489

2019-05-20 00:23:43 UTC  

Worst govts in order:
3.socialist dystopia
6.most everything else

2019-05-20 00:24:41 UTC  

@Fitzydog so we’re in “almost everything else,” right?

2019-05-20 00:24:49 UTC  

@Antiboom republic

2019-05-20 00:24:53 UTC  

Unless representative republic is the same thing as straight republic

2019-05-20 00:24:54 UTC  


2019-05-20 00:25:01 UTC  

night guys. the last hour just vanished on discord. i'm gonna be fucking tired tomorrow.

2019-05-20 00:25:24 UTC  

@Fitzydog so pinochet is better than the us gov

2019-05-20 00:25:27 UTC  

Tbh I agree

2019-05-20 00:25:29 UTC  


2019-05-20 00:25:38 UTC  

Hmm, yes

2019-05-20 00:26:09 UTC  

I've come to the point where I see elections as a net negative

2019-05-20 00:26:57 UTC  

It inherently lowers the goal of govt leaders to get elected next cycle

2019-05-20 00:27:36 UTC  

So there's no long term planning, or incentive for budgeting, because who cares right?

2019-05-20 00:28:15 UTC  

Progressive:"you will be absorbed into our cult! you will be a self hating baizu!"

2019-05-20 00:42:55 UTC  

Borgs are all white

2019-05-20 00:43:10 UTC  

But also made up of all different species

2019-05-20 00:43:34 UTC  

Theyre going around gentrifying everyone's solar systems

2019-05-20 01:01:39 UTC  

Accidentally stuck this in the wrong channel

2019-05-20 01:38:03 UTC  

that was slightly amusing

2019-05-20 02:10:51 UTC  

you guys can play war2 for free

2019-05-20 02:10:54 UTC  

online too

2019-05-20 02:10:57 UTC  

if you like RTS

2019-05-20 02:32:42 UTC  

@aradesh the uk doesn't have a crown

2019-05-20 02:36:35 UTC  

@Fitzydog The US will stop semi functioning as a republic in a few decades

2019-05-20 02:36:56 UTC  

@Cody yeah

2019-05-20 02:37:19 UTC  

It's already started

2019-05-20 02:38:02 UTC  

I.e. This abortion legislation in Alabama, and the sanctuary cities of California

2019-05-20 02:40:57 UTC  

@galesteppes I'm not from OR

2019-05-20 02:41:24 UTC  

have you finally left once and for all?

2019-05-20 03:15:30 UTC  

Are cyberman SJWs and Progressives?

2019-05-20 03:20:14 UTC  

SJWs would still whine that Cyberman don't call themselves "CyberPEOPLE"

2019-05-20 04:11:43 UTC  

A beauty icon

2019-05-20 04:21:13 UTC  

GoT Spoiler comment:
||So essentially the Starks took the gambet? After being shat on hard, they take the 6 kingdoms, the North, and the Wildlands. Seems about right, I do like they addressed that Dany was insane from the start, just that it was hidden from view by the "Good" she was doing.||

2019-05-20 04:22:09 UTC  
2019-05-20 04:22:51 UTC  

Tbh, this was a good finale. It tied up loose ends, explained what was missed, ect.

2019-05-20 04:22:56 UTC  

I loved lords noname #1 and noname #2 in that council scene

2019-05-20 04:23:04 UTC  

yeah, it was pretty good