Message from @Joe the boomer
Discord ID: 447719028543455233
Joe taking the Siegepill
We know which side has the guns
good thing i didnt call in the call in show lol
We know whos blood will be lining the streets
nick woulda booted me out of the call lol
Whos bodies
"It's called the knockout game and pretty soon white people are gonna get tired of playing it"-Sam Hyde
im unironically anprim on the backburner
im like
"if this doesnt work"
"i want total anarchy"
Im authprimbol
Anprim isn't all that bad
I mean I'd like order and heirarchy ideally
Authorim on the daily anprim in the back of my mind
its plan B if anything else doesnt work
But living in a cabin in the forest would be pretty sweet too
Plan S is my plan
my pepper plant is dying
LOL just make it grow dude
I wish the best for your pepper plant
My gram grows peppers
my tomatos r doing good
so far
And tomatoes
Tomatoes are resilient
I was helping her spread soil the other day
yes very much
im so dumb
while my back was hurting i was yanking up bushes
Most of the time my peppers dont come out with enough spice
fucking made my worse back
Lol joe i have major problems and i was pressure washijg for hours which activates those exact spots
Pretty bad
Ive been sore for a week now maybe longer
ive been out of my routine for 5 weekis now
Went into physical therapy and the didnt even wsnt me to stretch