Message from @Joe the boomer
Discord ID: 447718008668815360
wraped in a towel
Epic style
passing out and shidding at the same time
I get intrusive thoughts often but normally they're just weird shit
But i really do feel like doing it but i just try to stay collected
u have no idea how bad the pain was omfg
Most of my ibtrustive thoughts are when im high up on a ledge or driving
I just think constantly what if i just jumped right now
i was edgy and depressed in middle school
I had an intrusive thought of shaving my dad's head once, I don't know why that stuck with me but I always thought that one was messed up
Or moved my steering will a bit so i crash into oncoming traffic
schoolbuses for me
then i found something called
Knowing if gods existance made me depressed in a weird way
Intrusive thoughts are probably the devil trying to coerce you into doing wicked stuff
Knowing that so many people reject him and the state of our country
Fucks me up
and i found *the movement*
i had to turn youtube off earlier
i saw that new jordan b peterson debate in canada
This existential thought is really distracting me from my awesome anime
and he was debating two commies
Lol jynm
Joe since you're crippled and bedridden you should watch this anime I'm watching
Peterson is coming around again a feel
i sat thru it all
plus after that rtalph retort shit
now when i see or hear anti white racism
i just startt seeing red
Jesus needs to cone around agaun nigga kinda slow 🤧🤧🤧
yo i forgot how good shinedown is
What Ralph shit do you mean
peterson is lost
dont worry about anyone but your self
everyone else is lost
I haven't kept up with IBS lately
the west is coming down in fire
Ibs gay