Message from @Jynn
Discord ID: 447719901411672075
my tomatos r doing good
so far
And tomatoes
Tomatoes are resilient
I was helping her spread soil the other day
yes very much
im so dumb
while my back was hurting i was yanking up bushes
Most of the time my peppers dont come out with enough spice
fucking made my worse back
Lol joe i have major problems and i was pressure washijg for hours which activates those exact spots
Pretty bad
Ive been sore for a week now maybe longer
ive been out of my routine for 5 weekis now
Went into physical therapy and the didnt even wsnt me to stretch
Just hotpavks and cold packs
managed to do the treadmill day fore yesterday
I needa schleeo
My friend is over rn
Nig will probably be annoyed if i wake up late
That's gay af
No jynn
I go every week
Have been for like a year
Oh aight
But they will give me thingsto do once im not sore as hell
was it you that had a family member in a car accident or something of the sort
the fucking commies
Oh alright good I must be thinking of someone else
Im considering buying a denim jacket and some patches
"kill a commie for mommy"
denim jackets own if you can pull them off
and epic shit like that
How about a simply epic patcb