Message from @Siccodo
Discord ID: 447841154784821259
"no u"
Fatty cumfirmed
I'll tell you mine if you tell me your's 😏
the goyim fears the star
guys let's have a civil discussion about this
White people: Dying, gay, not gonna last 100 years
Jews: Run the world, will continue their lineage
I'll have you know I'm a classical Liberal
Do you have any jokes from this month up your sleeve?
no probably not
what do you think of the jews?
Particularly jewish women
Absolute propaganda
made to desensitize our soldiers
nigga what
i just said jewish women
it has nothing to do with the military
You forget the WNs are biologically incapable of being funny
do you think whites could benefit from reproducing with Jews?
whos the fed
@Siccodo is
this guy has a overwatch avi lmao
go play overwatch gay boi
fuck u
battleborn is way better
Jews are more whiter than Europeans
change my mind
This is unironically true at this point
hell no Bitch!
i bet youre a pegan
its a white relegion. imagine falling for the jewish relegion
Fuck you man i'm and the most latherist motherfucker out there!
volk reich!
if you are not 100 percent volkish you anit white