Message from @galesteppes
Discord ID: 592061134488600583
Extreame Global Cooling Inititive, Where is the Frost Punk Big Cold organizations?
didnt they teach you anything in your marxism classes?
Seems not
it's people
it's cow farts
Nuclear power for my electric car
That’s all I want
And then also the gas car for fun
Since while electrics are fast and fun and all, there’s just something else about an engine
We need to turn our landfills into oil production facilities
Reasonable, but we still ought to sequester co2
Or at least try
Like, global warming aside it fucks up the ocean
But if we could replace all power generation with nuclear and/or solar I’d imagine we could offset the cars just by offsetting chinas power
Also Chinese cars are already so crappy I don’t see the problem with just replacing them with tiny crappy electrics
@Fitzydog garbage to oil?
@galesteppes Yes. Do it in stages to breakdown various parts of the waste, until its just scrap metal leff
@Fitzydog time to turn other counties into dumps and then extract oil from them
Yes, but they can do it to plastic as well
But uh
Pretty much everything except metal
pLaStIcS cAnT dEgRaDe
Meal worms will eat Styrofoam if nothing else is available
i think we should burn more CO2
so it produces an oposite effect
it will work in a sciency fashion
@galesteppes ur brain is degraded
i read about it on the internet once
fucking phone
@Fitzydog what does the styrofoam degrade into?
we should train whales to eat plastic
that will solve some of the polution problems
no matter how many times I add "ur" to the dictionary
it always changes ur to it
@Den Röda Smurfen What the fuck is that thing