Message from @Byron de la Vandal - OR
Discord ID: 322301301654421504
Adolv Hiddler was gill :DDDD
RIB in beace
One might say that this decline even preceded this era by some short years but rather was accelerated particularly following 'The Great War'.
Basically Jews infiltrated white institutions
That's a recipe for disaster
And this began occurring, of course, *long* before this time. Only before these past some odd years these chosenites always met a certain fate, be it expulsion or otherwise from their host society.
But then the enlightened goyim learned that Jews were just white people with a funny religion
Never mind that they dressed weird and had fucked up noses and pinched rat faces and grubbed money
Or were nepotistic as fuck
Yes and they're "learning" more every day now.
When I was growing up, even as a young teenager, that which has become acceptable and even normalized today in Western society are things that I could have never imagined that I would live to see.
I can no longer even keep up with or follow the garbage ideologies they are constantly churning out in the predominant society today.
And to top it all off, the legions of goyim are dancing in lock step with their agenda, whatever it may be and no matter how reprehensible or degenerate or self-destructive. They are masters of social engineering.
No Jews allowed
It's not worth it.
Well, you have the correct idea. I assume most people on Discord are young so if you haven't yet, I personally, would recommend Henry Ford's 'The International Jew' series.
I've read culture of critique
How much crossover is there
@ᛉ Sverð ᛉ I'm about to go asleep so I'm gonna leave this convo until tomorrow but I would say that the culture war began from a combination of the proliferation of socialism post Great Depression, proxy wars and communism, and the logical continuation of progressive philosophy.
Very well... and then you may begin analyzing the origins and causes of these very things.
Investigate and then investigate more.
Who injected progressivism into the politics
Read culture of critique
'Culture of Critique' and really all of Kevin MacDonald's work is worth reading, I think there is obviously lots of crossover but Ford's works' value comes in the time frame in which it was written. It's difficult to explain but there was certainly a different political climate at the time that his works were written but certainly not essential reading if one has read MacDonald's work.
Of course, anyone with any sincere interest in World War II and the dynamics surrounding that era should read Deanna Spingola's 'The Ruling Elite' series. Well worth your time...
Arabs and Islam are worse than Israel
Much fucking worse
🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
I need someone to call 911
Theres this guy on 4chan that is threatening to commit suicide if someone rolled a 59
And someone did
He just gave a livestream link
Get on the livestream, call 911 and tell them whats happening
I dont have a phone
Please, this person's life is in your hands
<@&278459485687644161> can someone vet me please?
Requiem sent me
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