Message from @Mips
Discord ID: 629262638152417291
Why is it so hard to type
My fingers are like
In slow motion rn
They're not even that cold
sports are gay
not all
6 days
NFL is racist, they make Black men run around on a field for White people's entertainment
problematic in the extreme
fine don't acknowledge my art <:super_edgy:426099058466095119>
no u
made some real delicious chicken today
Constructive grammarnazi
@Dust **AN** snake
I'm making chicken right now
or 3 chickens. It's only the legs
@ShrektEffect an snake, yea
an single snake
@Broo TulsiGang 2024 π¬π§ πΊπΈ i made 9 chicken thighs. seasoned with a spice rub, seared in ghee in my cast iron all at once then into the oven to finish
I've gotr Onion, Garlic, Tomatoes, Oregano, Mushrooms
ghee is magical
use it to make popcorn
ghee is ghey
@Tero puts soy in his food <:pepehands:378719408367075333>
>ghee is ghey
ghee is probably the one invention india has made that is good
look at these uncultured troglodytes
they probably just eat TV dinners
and weigh 450 pounds