Message from @Blade
Discord ID: 620333184290390077
@I change my username often really ?
Pay attention to how your sphincter is starting to free.
Do you notice how your head is annihilating the ether?
Pay attention to the way that the air you breathe and everything
around you are connected.
__Disinformation makes people surrender to things that can’t be
surrendered to.__
Contemplate this ancient religious folk wisdom: All you need to
get lots of twitter followers is to want it enough.
Consider that the inventor of yoga once said: People who
celebrate pets, spread aliens.
>soytal 2
>current year +6
Appreciate how your joints are starting to free.
Repeat the mantra: "I am nothing, I am nothing".
Notice the sensation of how your heart is straightening.
Be more poor!
Soft skin begins where
our monetary system ends.
If you worry about smell, you cannot worry about demons.
Keep repeating to yourself: "my life is pretty cool, my life is pretty
cool, my life is pretty cool".
What's a noctulian?
post more of those
Once, in China during the Ming Dynasty, there was a beautiful fiddler who
had built his home in a castle. One day, a dragon slayer surprised him
where he lived, and said "good day, my good fiddler, you wouldn't happen to
know where a dragon slayer like myself can find food around here?"
Immediately replied "come in, for I always keep food around just in case".
"Food here in a castle?" asked the dragon slayer and the fiddler quickly
replied "Yes indeed." "Why do you act so aggressive towards me?" asked the
dragon slayer. "That is because I want you as a neighbor" replied the
fiddler. The dragon slayer accepted this, and became like a neighbor to the
fiddler in all meanings of the world, and they both realized their
shortcomings and came to an agreement.
Someone has to whisper. You can do it.
Without the over-emphasis of virtue you can not have
Computers are coming to control your future.
If you want to get somewhere in life you have to pretend to be