Message from @Sphanz

Discord ID: 626179267662970900

2019-09-12 17:34:18 UTC  


2019-09-15 11:50:01 UTC  

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2019-09-15 11:50:02 UTC  

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2019-09-17 00:45:01 UTC  

This is a message for the fat coomer named Captain Coom JT:I'm fucking sick and tired that everytime this coom gargling fat italian coomer ever mentions my name all that ever comes out are self-indulgent lies of a sad pathetic coomer being who wishes he was cooming as he thinks he is.
I never contacted the FBI and will not contact the FBI, your shithole of a porn folder is an afterthought of an era that no longer exist you malignant cyst of a coomer being.
I was never a coomer all I ever tried to achieve is to protect a minor from getting her coom exposed all over the fucking internet, call it white cooming I don't give a fuck about what a lesser coomer like you thinks about me. I have the coomshots to prove all of this.
You bringing my name up every second week thinking that I'm the ONE obsessed with you is just the biggest proof of how not coompilled and absolutely not-cooming you are. Find a new hobby and leave me alone with your shitty, weak as fuck cooms, because I'm tired of getting messaged that Coom said something about me.
You will always be an absolute shitstain of a coomer whose existence is just a burden on coomers who actually coom. I wouldn't have to resort to this message if you were coomer enough to even message me or accept my fuck request so I can say it to your greasy face you coomgetos reject.
I consider this my last message to you, Coomio. Grow up and stop being obsessed with me, because I feel coom everytime you mention me with that assumed air of coomthaurity telling about me doing things I never coomed. Do the world a favour and coom yourself so you can give space to at least 3 other coomers.

2019-09-17 20:54:19 UTC  

Dicks are so cute omg(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching its like its nuzzling you(/ω\) or when they perk up and look at you like" owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun is happy to see me!!(^ワ^)

2019-09-22 00:32:55 UTC  

>3 days later since the milkman has been unleashed
>hiding in behind rubble caused by the milkman
>i hear his footsteps nearby as he says his line
>" *I am the milkman my milk is delicious*"
>he throws a milkotov near the direction i'm in
>half the office building nearby collapses
>run into the half demolished office
>try to get to the rooftop or what's left of it
>i hear him utter his phrase again
>" *I am the milkman my milk is delicious* "
>" *special delivery today* "
>try to run to the rooftop
>fall to the ground covered in rubble
>i may be incased in rubble but the milkman won't get me no more

2019-09-22 00:35:12 UTC

2019-09-22 00:59:25 UTC  

dear god

2019-09-22 00:59:33 UTC

2019-09-22 01:15:20 UTC  

umm sorry fried you just broke rule #3

2019-09-22 01:15:42 UTC  

you did too

2019-09-22 01:15:49 UTC  

plus thats on topic of milkman

2019-09-22 01:15:50 UTC  

umm sorry fried you just broke rule #3

2019-09-22 01:15:51 UTC  

umm sorry fried you just broke rule #3

2019-09-22 01:16:08 UTC  

say it again i dare you

2019-09-22 01:16:17 UTC  

umm sorry fried you just broke rule #3

2019-09-24 02:04:33 UTC  


2019-09-24 21:48:09 UTC  

Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango. Tango Hotel Echo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo. Delta India Delta. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Juliet Uniform Sierra Tango. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Sierra Alpha Yankee. Alpha Bravo Oscar Uniform Tango. Mike Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Lima India Tango Tango Lima Echo. Bravo India Tango Charlie Hotel. India Lima Lima. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Kilo November Oscar Whiskey. India. Golf Romeo Alpha Delta Uniform Alpha Tango Echo Delta. Tango Oscar Papa. Oscar Foxtrot. Mike Yankee. Charlie Lima Alpha Sierra Sierra. India November. Tango Hotel Echo. November Alpha Victor Yankee. Sierra Echo Alpha Lima Sierra. Alpha November Delta. India Victor Echo. Bravo Echo Echo November. India November Victor Oscar Lima Victor Echo Delta. India November. November Uniform Mike Echo Romeo Oscar Uniform Sierra. Sierra Echo Charlie Romeo Echo Tango. Romeo Alpha India Delta Sierra. Oscar November. Alpha Lima Quebec Uniform Echo Alpha Delta Alpha. Alpha November Delta. India. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Oscar Victor Echo Romeo. 300. Charlie Oscar November Foxtrot India Romeo Mike Echo Delta. Kilo India Lima Lima Sierra. India. Alpha Mike. Tango Romeo Alpha India November Echo Delta. India November. Golf Oscar Romeo India Lima Lima Alpha. Whiskey Alpha Romeo Foxtrot Alpha Romeo Echo. Alpha November Delta. India Mike. Tango Hotel Echo. Tango Oscar Papa. Sierra November India Papa Echo Romeo. India November. Tango Hotel Echo. Echo November Tango India Romeo Echo. Uniform Sierra. Alpha Romeo Mike Echo Delta. Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Charlie Echo Sierra. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Alpha Romeo Echo. November Oscar Tango Hotel India November Golf. Tango Oscar. Mike Echo. Bravo Uniform Tango. Juliet Uniform

2019-09-24 21:48:10 UTC  

Sierra Tango. Alpha November Oscar Tango Hotel Echo Romeo. Tango Alpha Romeo Golf Echo Tango. India. Whiskey India Lima Lima. Whiskey India Papa Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Tango Hotel Echo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo. Oscar Uniform Tango. Whiskey India Tango Hotel. Papa Romeo Echo Charlie India Sierra India Oscar November. Tango Hotel Echo. Lima India Kilo Echo Sierra. Oscar Foxtrot. Whiskey Hotel India Charlie Hotel. Hotel Alpha Sierra. November Echo Victor Echo Romeo. Bravo Echo Echo November. Sierra Echo Echo November. Bravo Echo Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Echo. Oscar November. Tango Hotel India Sierra. Echo Alpha Romeo Tango Hotel. Mike Alpha Romeo Kilo. Mike Yankee. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Whiskey Oscar

2019-09-24 22:12:23 UTC  

Romeo Delta Sierra

2019-09-24 22:12:51 UTC  

On the end of it

2019-09-25 09:31:11 UTC  

november indigo golf golf echo romeo

2019-09-25 16:33:54 UTC  

you're missing a lot of emojis @esports athlete

2019-09-25 16:35:25 UTC  

██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.....
████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete....
███████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete....
███████████] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫
💯True💯 Daddies are irreplaceable 💖I could never delete you Daddy!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Daddies👪 who give you 💦cummies💦 Or never get called ☁️squishy☁️ again❌❌😬😬❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no cummies for you 🚫🚫👿 3 back: you're squishy☁️💦 5 back: you're daddy's kitten😽👼💦 10+ back: Daddy😛😛💕💕💦👅👅

2019-09-25 18:26:46 UTC  

EPPIC ..........RAP......... BATTLES.........OF HISTORYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!



[Pepe] Listen here jannie, I'm about to tell a tale Of a little NEET virgin whose life is an epic fail I love Sneed and Bane, i gotta get my meme fix And you know I hate gooks, faggots, niggers, and spics Honnies sayin' I'm based, honnies say I'm redpilled Honnies see me spitting bars at some loser gettin' grilled I'm gettin' litty! Pour a drink in my cup Looks like someone posted doggy doo, SO FUCKING CLEAN IT UP!

[Janny] Let this be a warning. My job isn't rewarding I never really want to wake up in the morning. I got fatty flabs, Hot Pockets are a must And my fingers are always greasy from the fuckin' Cheeto dust. I might not get paid, yeah I do it for free but learn your fucking lesson: don't mess with me Imma ban you Imma ban you Imma ban you CUZ I AM A BAD JEW!

[Pepe] Is that all you got? your rap game is weak Ban me! I don't give a fuck I'll use a proxy for a week. When I make a new thread you better bet it be a sticky And then I BTFO all those shills that work for Mickey I'll tell you one more time my rhymes are prime I get paid with (You)s and you don't even get a dime Your mom just called and I gotta take a piss So call me Sam Raimi. HOW'D I GET AWAY WITH THIS?

[Janny] MOM! This guy is being mean to me He gets all the chicks, and all I got is weeb 2D Wait a sec, I gotta take a breath. My asthma's gettin' bad I really hate that I'm a virgin, I'm jealous you're a chad Will this be the night Should I get my noose Wait, that's not right It couldn't hold me, it's no use Guess I'll go get my dad's gun and pull the trigger BANG




2019-09-25 20:20:19 UTC  

<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482>
<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:boomer:548791879018217482>
<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:boomer:548791879018217482>
<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:FriedPostFeral:588613369146376192> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:boomer:548791879018217482>
<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:tranny:617021928925954068> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:boomer:548791879018217482>
<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:coomer:624093158057181184> <:boomer:548791879018217482>
<:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482> <:boomer:548791879018217482>

2019-09-25 22:08:21 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:22 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:23 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:24 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:25 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:26 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:27 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:28 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:29 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:31 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:31 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:32 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:32 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:32 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:33 UTC  
