Message from @JAMPOTL
Discord ID: 596796358883541014
is that nsfw?
Why does this exist
The cumbrains need their pleasure nerves fired.
>implying i'm not trying to do nofap
>he still submits to sexual urges
I-im trying I s-swear it's not just so I can p-pretend I'm doing it to f-feel better
Masturbation is fucking cucked.
Imagine tricking you're dick into ejaculating just so you can get off to a image of a female getting fucked by another man.
It's the ultimate cuck.
obvious bait
Just get a prostitute retard.
just get AIDS retard
When were you convinced chinks aren't human?
4chink pol <:laff:387622602111320065>
Not sure.
Just showing the absolute state of chinks.
@JAMPOTL , fug, that's horrible.
are chinks actually insects
Not as much as Turks or kikes
Chinks are the ultimate insect
🇨🇳 <:rubhands:348458410783539211>
I hate you tom
I didn't ask who