Message from @ebowden

Discord ID: 405931552388808704

2018-01-25 03:16:36 UTC  

Fair point.

2018-01-25 03:16:44 UTC  

So here's how my reasoning went.

2018-01-25 03:20:35 UTC  

So this tech, when the recrants stole it, was still in a very early stages. These stories take place not that far in the future. So the way it alters DNA is crude, slapdash. In some cases fragments of the human DNA are still left behind.

2018-01-25 03:21:15 UTC  

Now when I was saying the human DNA is reasserting itself I don't mean that as literally as I think you are taking it. I will get to that.

2018-01-25 03:24:43 UTC  

As I said the DNA alteration is done via a viral agent. One of the breakthroughs that makes this possible is the viral agent is self replicating in itself, and so once introduced into the body it is perpetual. It coexists wit the body theoretically symbiotically.

2018-01-25 03:25:01 UTC  


2018-01-25 03:25:19 UTC  

Is it even integrated into the genome?

2018-01-25 03:25:26 UTC  


2018-01-25 03:26:21 UTC  

Ok I can see how this is confusing.

2018-01-25 03:26:27 UTC  

It isn't now.

2018-01-25 03:26:40 UTC  

Like I said not a biologist. Thanks for helping me sort this out.

2018-01-25 03:27:11 UTC  

I guess stricly speaking it might not.

2018-01-25 03:27:16 UTC  

So, how does this not spread and turn a shitload of people's babies into furries?

2018-01-25 03:28:08 UTC  

Also, the self-replicating stuff is not in the least bit necessary for when they modify embryos.

2018-01-25 03:39:48 UTC  

Another of the breakthroughs in my notes. While capale of replication the virus that is the foundation of all this tech is not capable of mutation. in the story it is specifically noted the team that cracked that nut got a nobel prize. It infects a cell, and alters that cell specifically. That cell continues to replicated like normal. The initial treatment is what could best be called "queen" viruses. A biological factory that consumes human waste products and produces the viruses proper. These seek out and infect existing cells and are everywhere in the body altering their shape and (to a lesser degree) this tech is, and I feel I need to emphasize. this, imperfect.

2018-01-25 03:40:07 UTC  


2018-01-25 03:41:01 UTC  

Mutation is just something that happens, not something you are "capable" of.

2018-01-25 03:41:53 UTC  

Unless you have something that is just meant to cause mutations, but that's different.

2018-01-25 03:43:47 UTC  

Wow, it's summer here and Rusty is shivering now he has his fur cut.

2018-01-25 03:46:30 UTC  

The "queens" create the cells that to the alterations on a regular schedule. They always create the same cells. Those cells, the ones that do the alteration, are not capable of replications.

2018-01-25 03:47:03 UTC  


2018-01-25 03:47:51 UTC  

"A biological factory that consumes human waste products and produces the viruses proper."

2018-01-25 03:47:57 UTC  

More wut.

2018-01-25 03:48:20 UTC  

"These seek out and infect existing cells and are everywhere in the body altering their shape and (to a lesser degree) this tech is, and I feel I need to emphasize. this, imperfect."

2018-01-25 03:48:57 UTC  

Why would it be altering cell shape? Patterning is mostly done with patterns of cell growth and apoptosis.

2018-01-25 03:52:07 UTC  


2018-01-25 03:53:59 UTC  


2018-01-25 03:55:12 UTC  

I think we have a venezuelan in Scrump's chat.

2018-01-25 03:56:24 UTC  

What I'm trying to get across is that the alterations are not self replicating. And there is a mechanism in place to change and alter each cell of the body as it is created. This works best on things like hair and skin. Not so good on things like organs and bone. Especially the nervious system which never grows new cells if I remember right.

2018-01-25 03:57:36 UTC  

Well, you can alter non-replicating cells.

2018-01-25 03:57:46 UTC  

And it does actually grow new cells.

2018-01-25 03:58:09 UTC  

If the virus can replicate, that means you have to deliver a lot less of it, sure.

2018-01-25 03:58:19 UTC  

But then you have to worry about it spreading.

2018-01-25 03:58:39 UTC  

Which I don't imagine is a problem for them.

2018-01-25 03:58:44 UTC  

Which is where the idea for the "queen" cells comes in.

2018-01-25 03:59:25 UTC  

Yeah if they could use this to just turn everyone into a furry they would do it in a heartbeat. It may have even been the original plan. But it doens't work that way.

2018-01-25 03:59:27 UTC  

"A biological factory that consumes human waste products and produces the viruses proper."

2018-01-25 03:59:46 UTC  

I cribbed that from other SF stuff actually.

2018-01-25 04:00:04 UTC  

I am trying to be gentle with how silly that is.