Message from @Fashion Doge

Discord ID: 628603637660254214

2019-07-23 10:32:18 UTC  


2019-07-23 10:35:38 UTC  


2019-07-23 15:02:56 UTC  

whats better, being a slave that believes in God or being a rich atheist?

2019-07-23 15:31:54 UTC  

rich as in wealthy?

2019-07-23 22:02:33 UTC  

atheist? Suffaaa!

2019-07-24 08:22:22 UTC  

better to be wealthy and polyamorous, or healthy and monogamous?

2019-07-25 23:05:50 UTC  


2019-08-05 18:46:29 UTC  

Jesse, how do we reconcilliate dinosaurs with the creation?

2019-08-05 18:46:53 UTC  

How does it go in hand?

2019-08-24 08:22:23 UTC  

Does Jesse read these?

2019-08-24 08:24:25 UTC  

sometimes ppl read them to him

2019-08-24 08:24:29 UTC  

idk how often

2019-09-02 03:25:51 UTC  

I know this isn’t a question but can you please spread this image on the internet.

2019-09-02 07:33:52 UTC  


2019-09-13 14:46:58 UTC

2019-09-26 10:04:22 UTC  

Jesse, since youre black, how many times a week are you beaten by police and or imprisoned?

2019-09-29 07:39:37 UTC  

Atheists are slaves to their sins. Either be a slave to righteousness or a slave to sin.

2019-10-01 11:55:44 UTC  

@Fashion Doge Any advice for an individual who grew up without faith?

2019-10-01 11:56:06 UTC  

I am observing and not judging so perhaps all will be revealed to me

2019-10-01 11:56:13 UTC  

but if you have anything to say

2019-10-01 14:46:26 UTC  

Read the new testament and search for God with all your heart, mind, and strength. To search for God is to search for our purpose in life. Pray that he gives you understanding and then humble yourself. People with humble hearts are more willing to be taught and loved rather than those hearts that are full of pride. He will reveal himself to you and show you that you need him to save you. I wanted to know about him and he started to change me too.

2019-10-01 21:26:07 UTC  

I am changing

2019-10-01 21:26:16 UTC  

thank you @Fashion Doge

2019-10-01 21:29:59 UTC  

You are welcome my friend. I'm constantly learning as well. God gives us a purpose and a reason to live. It's a great peace we feel when we know God. May God bless you with the wisdom to know Him. God is good.

2019-10-01 21:38:56 UTC  

God bless you too friend

2019-10-03 05:19:06 UTC  

Can I actually ask Jesse questions on here

2019-10-03 05:21:08 UTC  


2019-10-03 07:01:59 UTC  

@Mr. Badger what really is missing from your life? Do you have problems other than not believing in God per se? Because if it aint broke, don't fix it.

2019-10-03 07:03:48 UTC  

It will come to you, or rather, you will go before Him one day. I think its good to not fake the funk. Honesty is a Godly quality

2019-10-03 07:06:27 UTC  

Life is the age old question "Who am I? What do I mean by Me? And Why do I exist?" just smoke on those questions and you will either reach nihilism or religion.

2019-10-03 07:07:42 UTC  

Optimsm or pessimism. Then all the dualities. Then all the tramsformations between.

2019-10-03 07:08:19 UTC  

At some point we choose a hill to die on. Golgotha? If life is only a mechanical process, then volcanoes and clouds are alive. What is the difference between a body of water and a human body? Do any other creatures know the shape of the planet Earth? or is it just you people who know that? What makes us so special? If we tried telling a fish the Earth was round or square, we should get our heads examined. Fish have important things to do, they aint got no time for that.

2019-10-03 11:57:33 UTC  

No, Johannes,I do not have problems

2019-10-03 11:58:22 UTC  

I am not perfect yet though

2019-10-03 12:04:55 UTC  

If God is good and one can know him, then perhaps I should search for it. But maybe seeking in that 'logical' way is sin

2019-10-03 12:05:14 UTC  

So I will just observe and let things be revealed

2019-10-03 13:06:30 UTC  

Jesse said "know thyself" and "know that you know that you know"

2019-10-03 13:43:28 UTC  


2019-10-03 13:43:30 UTC  


2019-10-03 13:43:37 UTC  

of ourself we can do nothing

2019-10-03 13:43:43 UTC  

of ourself we can know nothing