Message from @Adderall Admiral52

Discord ID: 578005749305966642

2019-05-14 23:34:23 UTC  

or rather if he forgot how'd she not see that ?

2019-05-14 23:35:07 UTC  

I agree, the wife should be able to straighten a tie.

2019-05-14 23:35:15 UTC  

Mein Gott

2019-05-14 23:36:14 UTC  

And this dude is advocating for abortions like a BAYDUH

2019-05-14 23:38:15 UTC  

mein gott!!

2019-05-14 23:38:22 UTC  


2019-05-14 23:39:27 UTC  

His argument started at rape/incest babies, and is now at life starts outside of the womb. Sounds like 9 month abortion advocacy.

2019-05-14 23:39:51 UTC  

funny how the lib/feminist women get triggered over a man being against abortion bc they feel he shouldn't have a say of that. That sounds like a virtuous man to me. It's so opposite for me; it sickens me to see a man advocating abortion

2019-05-14 23:40:14 UTC  

Life can't start outside the womb lol

2019-05-14 23:40:55 UTC  

I guess men can spill their seed on the ground & it sprouts life right there. Yay now they don't need women anymore 👏

2019-05-14 23:43:04 UTC  

I want kids really bad. I want a large family. It disappoints me that someone would take this position. Moreover, he's begun fake crying.

2019-05-14 23:43:19 UTC  

Ohhh no lol

2019-05-14 23:43:26 UTC  

That's pathetic

2019-05-14 23:43:37 UTC  

me too

2019-05-14 23:44:17 UTC  

He started fake crying, then pulled the "their body is being governed" card

2019-05-14 23:45:03 UTC  

maybe their bodies wouldn't have to be governed if most women learned how to govern their own body themselves

2019-05-14 23:46:15 UTC  

It's not their body at that point. You can catch two homicide charges if you kill a pregnant woman

2019-05-14 23:46:46 UTC  

Right, exactly

2019-05-14 23:46:56 UTC  

yeah now that's sure a contradiction now

2019-05-14 23:47:18 UTC  

fetuses aren't considered life yet you can go to jail with two homicide charges for that?

2019-05-14 23:48:29 UTC  

This dude's testimony is a clusterfuck.
Yes. 2 homicide charges. But not one if you kill the baby. Really makes you think

2019-05-14 23:49:10 UTC  

They're lost to their own logic as always

2019-05-14 23:49:44 UTC  

Lmao someone needs to ask him if he loves black people

2019-05-14 23:49:56 UTC  


2019-05-14 23:50:07 UTC  

I just thought of how the lib mentality would justify that

2019-05-14 23:50:36 UTC  

if could be considered two homicides only if the woman acknowledges the baby as a life, that is, if she wanted to keep it

2019-05-14 23:51:08 UTC  

Everything is all about if the woman wants something or not.

2019-05-14 23:51:14 UTC  

Nobody else matters

2019-05-14 23:51:34 UTC  

But let's say she was slated to get an abortion the day after she's killed. In that case the killer is still charged with two homicides.

2019-05-14 23:52:20 UTC  

they really need to explain their logic lol

2019-05-14 23:52:58 UTC  

There isn't any.

2019-05-14 23:52:59 UTC  

assuming the killer is a man anyway, they'd be more than happy to throw 2 on even in that case

2019-05-14 23:54:20 UTC  

This man is filibustering

2019-05-14 23:55:36 UTC  

He's said the same thing 3 or 4 times now

2019-05-14 23:57:38 UTC  

I'm sure he's got to since he's full of poop

2019-05-14 23:58:43 UTC  

He is contentless in his speaking

2019-05-15 00:02:06 UTC  

The guy directly following him brought up slavery immediately

2019-05-15 00:02:13 UTC  

Dios mio.

2019-05-15 00:05:13 UTC  

omg 🤦

2019-05-15 00:06:03 UTC  

The worst part; It was already brought up in the bill, he just didn't read it.

2019-05-15 00:06:40 UTC  

As always, what's that got to do with anything?