Message from @Hortator
Discord ID: 608093358216314907
it was a great episode
New York cheesecake yummm
not better than my cheesecake
I've fallen behind on the fallen state
the newer episodes are ok nothing great just tellin betas how cows eat cabbage n what not
whats the best jlp interview
im bored
It's either Amber Rose or the beta guy with glasses
amber is fine
would u hit it
Sleep with her out of wedlock?
Its my duty to?
To wear a virginity ring till marriage.
amber is far from fine xD
Photoshop says dif
shes cute
I paid $150 to get counseling from someone who can't even pronounce barrier -_-
give me 150 so i can promote my music plz
i will blow u
help me out
im 19 and poor, i sleep 4 hours a night 7 days a week to work for my shit
🍆 👄 🤔
its 1:30
im going bed at 4
to finish work, and wake up at 8
🍆 👄 🤔
please senpai
help me out i love you
🤔 🤔 🤔
<:ama:538378494565154818> <:zin:538378494158176277>
no kek frog
im straight and not a beta