Message from @Hortator
Discord ID: 608094022610976780
give me 150 so i can promote my music plz
i will blow u
help me out
im 19 and poor, i sleep 4 hours a night 7 days a week to work for my shit
🍆 👄 🤔
its 1:30
im going bed at 4
to finish work, and wake up at 8
🍆 👄 🤔
please senpai
help me out i love you
🤔 🤔 🤔
<:ama:538378494565154818> <:zin:538378494158176277>
no kek frog
im straight and not a beta
🍆 👄 🤔
im not gay i fuck my sister
we can do it through paypal plz
mi amor
How do I get a bj through PayPal?
u donate, i use money to promote myself get rich and then fly to you
give bj
Sounds like a lousy return no thanks
out opf the goodness of your heart
What's the interest rate on my investment?
its a donation
Nah I'm good I don't donate
Not even plasma
its tax deductable
through patreon