Message from @TheSatireGames

Discord ID: 611678224635658258

2019-08-15 20:17:41 UTC  

i saw it but cant remember many specifics other than hitler writing fdr thank you letters

2019-08-15 21:14:11 UTC  
2019-08-15 21:14:53 UTC  

2019-08-15 21:15:08 UTC  

The K1KE deep state faking shootings

2019-08-15 21:15:28 UTC  

And they want to breed out whites, look up Khalegeri Plan

2019-08-15 21:15:34 UTC  

I might've misspelled that

2019-08-15 21:15:50 UTC  

But essentially they want to race mix whites and blacks and browns

2019-08-15 21:16:06 UTC  

And race mixing averages and lowers IQ

2019-08-15 21:17:19 UTC  

So the Jews, on top of controlling all media, wealth and positions of government, want to make a subservient mongrel retard race

2019-08-15 21:17:55 UTC  

Jews are obsessed with racemixing, open borders, and blaming whitey. Except in Israel of course

2019-08-15 21:17:59 UTC  

Holocaust never happened

2019-08-15 21:18:22 UTC  

They were labor camps at best, but labor to jews is equal to death campa

2019-08-15 21:18:25 UTC  


2019-08-15 21:18:35 UTC  

Its a billion dollar bussiness after all

2019-08-15 21:18:59 UTC  

And In alot of places in Europe youll goto PRISON for questioning it

2019-08-15 21:19:54 UTC  

2019-08-15 21:20:53 UTC  

Red cross census on Jews doesnt even place them in the million, so how did 6 GORILLION get shoad In the camps?

2019-08-15 21:21:10 UTC  

Also Anne franks disary was mostly written by her dad post war

2019-08-15 21:21:24 UTC  

Spoiler alert, he made alot a lot money off of it

2019-08-15 21:26:40 UTC  

No real christian should support Jews since in the jew holy books is says Christ is burning I shit and semen In hell

2019-08-15 21:50:53 UTC  


2019-08-15 22:17:43 UTC  

You can't tell if it's fake blood or not

2019-08-15 22:21:05 UTC  

It's fake dude

2019-08-15 22:23:01 UTC  

Blood was on the ground beforehand

2019-08-15 22:27:47 UTC  


2019-08-15 22:27:55 UTC

2019-08-15 22:27:57 UTC  

No blood

2019-08-15 22:28:04 UTC

2019-08-15 22:28:05 UTC  

No blood

2019-08-15 22:28:44 UTC  

No blood until the ops on the right reaches into pocket and then sprays blood on the one on the left

2019-08-15 22:28:50 UTC  

🤔 🤔 🤔

2019-08-15 22:29:52 UTC

2019-08-15 22:30:11 UTC  

No blood

2019-08-15 22:30:12 UTC  

Funny how he runs down a whole block and no blood

2019-08-15 22:35:51 UTC  

Maybe he put something on the woulds that made it drip like that or maybe it had just started to bleed more

2019-08-15 22:37:08 UTC  

He's not holding anything in his hand to clog it

2019-08-15 22:38:24 UTC  

Zoom im on the screenshot

2019-08-15 22:40:00 UTC  

I did, I saw the street

2019-08-15 22:41:25 UTC  

And no blood until the cop on the right pulls something from his pocket and splurts It on the on the on left

2019-08-15 22:41:50 UTC  

Weird how all the length he ran not a single drop spilled

2019-08-15 22:42:29 UTC  

Is it weird though lol