Message from @Mr. Badger

Discord ID: 631603489826406400

2019-10-09 21:21:01 UTC  


2019-10-09 21:21:42 UTC  

From bottom of the heart

2019-10-09 21:21:59 UTC  

I trust that to be so

2019-10-09 21:22:34 UTC  

In russia there's a lot of ugly fat women for you

2019-10-09 21:22:47 UTC  

nye khozhu

2019-10-09 21:23:18 UTC  

US has highest obesity rate

2019-10-09 21:23:20 UTC  

then UK

2019-10-09 21:23:26 UTC  

then Australia

2019-10-09 21:23:35 UTC  

I think I would be good in Rossiya

2019-10-09 21:24:04 UTC  

Pffff. You're forgot quality of food

2019-10-09 21:24:15 UTC  

I enjoyed it there

2019-10-09 21:24:29 UTC  

A very different palette

2019-10-09 21:24:42 UTC  

In russia low quality. This is why fat people in russia don't live long

2019-10-09 21:24:56 UTC  

I know how to take care of myself

2019-10-09 21:25:03 UTC  

get my own farm deep in siberia

2019-10-09 21:25:07 UTC  

some yaks

2019-10-09 21:25:55 UTC  

Sounds like crazy idea. You're dont know what are you talking about

2019-10-09 21:26:06 UTC  

It's also not an earnest idea.

2019-10-09 21:26:34 UTC  

I did see an advert in the newspaper

2019-10-09 21:26:37 UTC  

You need to go in Perm and open jercoff coffee

2019-10-09 21:26:46 UTC  

for free Siberian farmland to any Brit brave enough

2019-10-09 21:27:37 UTC  

I give you one hint. Never ever ever ever ever

2019-10-09 21:27:40 UTC  

Ok I am in voice if you want

2019-10-09 21:27:52 UTC  

But ever never never ever

2019-10-09 21:28:04 UTC  

Ever ever never ever

2019-10-09 21:28:21 UTC  

Trust Russian people

2019-10-09 21:28:34 UTC  

Yes I imagine that is correct advise

2019-10-09 21:28:35 UTC  

And what they talking about

2019-10-09 21:28:36 UTC  


2019-10-09 21:28:56 UTC  

I had a Russian offer me money for translating for him

2019-10-09 21:28:57 UTC  

never got it

2019-10-09 21:29:02 UTC  

I didn't really expect it to be fair

2019-10-09 21:29:02 UTC  

Not because Russians bad people

2019-10-09 21:29:13 UTC  


2019-10-09 21:29:46 UTC  

But because Spirit of anger in Russian have version of the insanity

2019-10-09 21:29:55 UTC  

Blame Satan

2019-10-09 21:29:56 UTC  

Very well

2019-10-09 21:30:09 UTC  

makes sense

2019-10-09 21:30:14 UTC  

Russians same like black in usa

2019-10-09 21:30:16 UTC  

Whereas in Britain Satan makes people cucks

2019-10-09 21:30:19 UTC  

to feminists and commies