Message from @leuxd

Discord ID: 576147550751555594

2019-05-09 19:21:48 UTC  

More plot:
Always Raining Here - IMO the best BL comic out there. You will really like it, has no explicit NSFW, can't even remember if censored sex scenes are present in non-extras. Finished.
Obnoxious Hiro-kun - Has censored NSFW elements. It starts out as a parody of yaoi but it has great progression on both parts. It's parody, but hilarious.
I Hate You - Censored NSFW. Really good.
Handcuffs - Censored NSFW and also really good. Finished.
Theurgy - Boy accidentally summons a lecherous demon who wants to bang him. SFW.
R. U. Screwed - Gay guy falls for straight guy who might not be straight after all. SFW.
Hunger Demon - Fantasy story that sounds like Final Fantasy with gay people. SFW.
Idiots don't catch colds - SFW. High school idiot is tutored by his biggest enemy and falls for him.
Eyes on Me - Repressed gay dude meets cocky hunk. SFW.
Revelation of Eros - The SJW stuff is kept to a minimum, but the story is interesting so far. SFW.
Mismatch - Gay wizards. SFW.
Valentine - Gay guy falls for straight guy who may not be straight, this time in Russia. NSFW but censored.
From friendship comes love - Guy falls for the guy he used to bully. SFW.

More SoL
Tripping Over You - At one point it had good story, but the authors gave up in order to make it more Slice of Life. Still good fluff.

2019-05-09 19:22:09 UTC  

All of these are on, except for Tripping Over You and Always Raining Here

2019-05-09 20:00:07 UTC  

@leuxd Hello!

2019-05-09 20:00:13 UTC  

How are you doing?

2019-05-09 20:00:33 UTC  

Fine! What about you?

2019-05-09 20:00:36 UTC  

@Locke Thanks!

2019-05-09 20:00:44 UTC  


2019-05-09 20:03:50 UTC  

Maybe I should have got you to send me that privately, lol. I'm not sure anyone else here would be interested

2019-05-09 20:07:38 UTC  

@leuxd oh, I'm doing pretty good. Lots of interesting stuff today. Up to anything good yourself?

2019-05-09 20:15:39 UTC  

@Men Are Human Me? Just a normal day I guess! I must say, I'm really surprised. I never expected to find a Men's Right movement. It makes me really happy. I always saw movements, sites, etc, talking about how bad is a man hitting and raping woman, but I never found one about men

2019-05-09 20:16:03 UTC  

And, by the way, I just want to say sorry about my english, it isn't my first language

2019-05-09 20:23:01 UTC  

Don't worry about it @leuxd, I'm sure a few people on here aren't native speakers. I'm glad you found the movement, it's something I think way more men should be a part of. Hopefully we can work together for full equality.

2019-05-09 20:24:43 UTC  

I agree, @Men Are Human , but, what do you mean by 'full equality'? Aren't men and women already equal?

2019-05-09 20:26:20 UTC  

Men don't have reproductive rights

2019-05-09 20:27:21 UTC  

Selective service (or the draft) is another one. In some parts of the world men are required to serve in the army for a couple of years too.

2019-05-09 20:32:18 UTC  

Oh, yes, you mean the conscription? That's true, when a country has a ongoing conscription, always, only men are enlisted to the army

2019-05-09 20:37:07 UTC  

Yep. Vietnam is a good example, but so is National Service.

2019-05-09 20:39:04 UTC  

Another right men don't have is a social one. Dispite most laws being equal, police will assume men are the abuser or rapist in all circumstances. Even if it doesn't make sense. I've literally seen video footage of a man sitting quietly and being hit by a woman, but then police swoop in and aresst him instead. There's a lot of that stuff and it's not very fair.

2019-05-09 20:41:05 UTC  

Also: legally men cannot be raped by a wiman. The crime instead is 'made to penetrate' and it is only considered sexual assault. Dispite that, a man is still liable for all child support if she gets pregnant.

2019-05-09 20:41:12 UTC  

It's kinda messed up.

2019-05-09 20:44:40 UTC  

@Men Are Human Watch this! I think this is what you are talking about!

2019-05-09 21:14:51 UTC  

iirc only Israel forces both genders into the army

2019-05-09 23:13:08 UTC  

Yeah everyone there serves in the idf right ?

2019-05-09 23:13:36 UTC  

There is this Facebook page called women of the idf devoted to them.

2019-05-09 23:17:56 UTC  

They once posted this video of an off duty female idf soldier getting like harrassed / attacked by some dude and then his friends in a bar and she krav magas the crap out of them. It was genuine self defense not glorified female on male violence.

2019-05-10 02:58:29 UTC  

Well I made it to California.

2019-05-10 05:15:22 UTC  


2019-05-10 05:47:17 UTC  

These pro abortion people really go through some mental gymnastics. "If women can't kill babies, then men shouldn't be allowed to use Viagra". I mean seriously wtf do they learn logic. Oh right the broken public schools.

2019-05-10 05:47:45 UTC  

(note I don't mean all pro abortion people just ones that tweet nonsesnse comparisons like this)

2019-05-10 09:05:50 UTC  

@Uberduperdrew Because they do it out of a selfish desire

2019-05-10 09:06:08 UTC  

For them it's not the act of abortion itself, but the fact that you're taking away a freedom for them

2019-05-10 09:23:05 UTC  

Having a child has a massive impact on someone's life, understandably people get upset by thoughts of being forced to do it and stupid people among those say stupid things as a result. It's a shame that people do not realise, in other conversations, that most of the impact of having a child happens after birth, which the father has to face without any options.

2019-05-10 09:28:42 UTC  

I agree with women's arguments that they should not be forced to carry a child if the father wants it.

2019-05-10 09:29:03 UTC  

Pregnancy fucks you up, affects your mental capacity, can have health side effects (postpartdum depression, etc), that are heightened when a baby is unwanted.

2019-05-10 09:29:09 UTC  

But you can't have your cake and eat it.

2019-05-10 09:29:28 UTC  

You can't dismiss the question "Well, what if the father didn't want it?" with a "lmao don't stick your dick in it then"

2019-05-10 09:29:46 UTC  

You can't have sex's possible consequences (a child) be removable for women but not for men.

2019-05-10 09:30:37 UTC  

@leuxd Exactly. There's loads of videos like that, though the one I'm thinking of was a security camera and not a social experiment.

2019-05-10 09:30:59 UTC  

That's the aspect for me, that makes it a men's rights issue. The topic of abortion as a whole doesn't really tie in with the movement, but the difference in equality of rights does

2019-05-10 09:31:25 UTC  
