Message from @Men Are Human
Discord ID: 586588387507568643
It’s a petrol engine, Honda Generator with an output of about 4.5kw
Neat. That's not bad.
Enough to run a kettle, lol
Oh, that bad?
Or is that good? lol
Well the old one was 3kw and we could run the kettle but everything else needed to be turned off, lol
Oh, I see. So this one can run the kettle too?
I'm imagining this is some kind of Mad Max situation. Lol
How could you imagine anything else
@Abbysol To be honest - that was literally the setup you had before, so I don't have to imagine anything. XD
I'll just imagine you fighting spiky dudes for their petrol to make up. Lol
I mean I do have a Blue Heeler so I am at least 80% of the way there
But do you have a super charger that pokes through the bonnet of your car? That's what I want to know. XD
Hey, might be controversial - but what do people think of Return of the King's site?
This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy [Repost, because it's amusing and because it's been 5 years]
by EricAllonde (
I think it might make a good source of debate topics.
It's bollocks because it assumes patriarchy exists. It doesn't.
I think it's sarcastic.
It's return of kings so idk about that.
I am not comfortable with pieces that try to rank up men and women. It's kinda antithetical to what we stand for.
In fact, it's a very common feminist tactic.
You can't just twist the meaning of patriarchy into something else. A patriarchy never existed. If you're going to try and present a more accurate worldview, don't start off by calling it a bloody patriarchy. Playing into feminist dogma is an idiotic tactic.
And let's face it- reality TV shows like that are *garbage* and I highly doubt their scientific value or accuracy in any respect
That's certainly a very valid point. And I did have a good laugh at the thesis that reality TV can tell us much of anything. I don't know about Surviver, but most of those shows are at least partly staged - if not totally staged. Even the ones that aren't tend towards being cut in such a way that they may as well be staged.
We also don't know who these people they picked are. It could be they got rich girls and a bunch of survival enthusiasts.
So how is everyone tonight?
Not great tbh. Been throwing myself into exercise.
It'll pay off. Stick with it! :D
I'm pretty sure it has already paid off massively, I've been doing this a long time. I'm more concerned about overdoing it.
I mean, doing 80km every two days would seem a bit excessive to most people I imagine
And on the days inbetween, a lot of pushups/situps/reps etc
Oh, that was rude of me. How are you doing @Men Are Human?
Hey @Shiv69, welcome to the discord
Ty @InsaneCaterpilla 🙂
How are ya doing? Did ya come from Reddit?
I'm doing good,hbu
I'm watching the outer limits rn. Been a long time since I've seen them
Outer limits? is it about aliens and ET?