Message from @Bechtloff
Discord ID: 559513991974748161
I want to ask about any head injuries or concussions Davis may have had in the time leading up to this lunacy
How do I join?
@Deleted User Join the Waiting Room voice channel and wait for him to bring you on. Check your mic first.
@CynicInChief thanks
I’ll neck my mic and check up if my dogs will be quiet
Roll call
Roll call
@John Collins I'll bring you in after Anon and Virile are done
@everyone Roll call is open.
Roll call, maybe I just want to show this on the stream:
roll call
I want to call in but I think supper is gonna be done by the time it gets to it
He looks like a fluffer in the Fag and the Furious
A lisping fag.
ok I can call in dinner is over!
I'm good to call as well
how much of the stream is there left?
Gonna grab a quick drink, brb
@mattforney can I come back in
Oh boy I’m ready and ready for the second stream
I wanna I fed my dogs and I’m ready
Gotta pop off
Davis is ready 😄
💰it’s dangerous there take this
@mattforney Bring me in Coach
@mattforney tag me in
Ready btw @mattforney