Message from @Tiamatfleisch
Discord ID: 597924607940624424
wtf is with ramzpaul and this girl also
To reoproripate a saying, "Those who sacrifice dignity for pussy get neither dignity nor pussy."
And Ramzpaul apprently is commenting on this story due to this one being a gamer girl ironic thot or some such, he "Unique" thing is she teases her audiance but delivers no actual nudity unlike the other thots whom sell it. She told them to get her 1 mil likes on a pic then she would make a pornhub account which she did then put click bait titles such as "Deline plays with two cocks" wherein she then proceaded to film herself playing with two chickens.
honestly the more RAMZPAUL runs his mouth the more I'm glad he publicly attacked me
I in no way condon thotery but this is kinda funny.
like how Spencer screwed me over, RAMZPAUL did me a favor by disassociating me from his constant cringe
Reject Boomer Orders Matt
Ignore Boomer Orders
@mattforney Doing callers today?
A story in 3 parts
I found this on Facebook
and some ear wash:
inb4 blue states block the census or trump finds out there's 30 million
illegals in the US
Ok, I finally watched the Owen Benjamin vid on Nick. This dude got FURIOUS over Nick saying literally nothing negative or rude at all. Not even towards Owen or his one fan either. I don't even understand what the hell this guy is so upset about, but it's funny.
Because Owen Benjamin is a lunatic
A complete nutcase
Yeah I just realized
He's way too much like Aurini it's uncanny
ROTC railed on him for a bit I think
Benjamin is more like Patrick Little than Aurini
Why is he popular
Who the fuck is he?
he used to be a D-list comedian
What is this man?
and at one point he was banging Christina Ricci
ye i literally never heard of him till aurini was talking about him and then again with the nick drama
Cernovich had Benjamin speak at some of his A Night for Freedom events
it wasn't until a few months ago that Benjamin went off the rails with the JQ