Message from @lucid

Discord ID: 619329666884304915

2019-09-04 10:28:41 UTC  

except in public name only

2019-09-04 10:29:04 UTC  

Once Queen goes ROYALS have lost all respect in my view she’s the last

2019-09-04 10:29:39 UTC  

Because they others have been publicly made to be normal by media i think there finished

2019-09-04 10:30:56 UTC  

The nonsense about them all in our media is crazy there’s usually story’s each day .. where as before royals were kinda a mystery to public

2019-09-04 10:32:59 UTC  

anyway...the corrupt parliamentary fighting the brexit under legal orders by queen to happen no matter what by deadline, shows to the ppl of uk what the parliament really is....corrupt globalists and not supporting of the uk/british ppl that elected them

2019-09-04 10:33:07 UTC  

Look at just the list from BBC of all there shit articles on there life’s

2019-09-04 10:34:12 UTC  

carbon tax is a joke

2019-09-04 10:34:24 UTC  

I think maybe it has to play out like this to wake the public @SirW00f .. actually the non political or non caring person actually are getting pissed off this week

2019-09-04 10:34:41 UTC  

I think the awakening here comes through these moves

2019-09-04 10:34:47 UTC  

with a good enough energy source, u can convert co2 and water back into carbon fuel source

2019-09-04 10:35:38 UTC  

well u've been in the socialism game alot longer ...normally 'bombed back to the stone age' nations get the first socialism programs

2019-09-04 10:35:49 UTC  

Nonsense story’s .. that really shouldn’t be done on ROYALS but are lol no one cares but slowly the story’s are building

2019-09-04 10:36:05 UTC  

I need to go offline mate speak soon @SirW00f

2019-09-04 10:36:15 UTC  

cya later

2019-09-04 11:51:51 UTC  

btw we don't call it the brexit its just brexit but feel free to call it what you wish 😉 it means liberty to us !

2019-09-04 12:30:16 UTC  

The case in the Scottish Court got thrown out this morning, It could never have got any traction anyway because it was a Scottish Court. Different legal systems & it could not make any ruling that would have affected Parliament except Holyrood. Just theatre.

2019-09-06 00:34:59 UTC  

Enacted by the traitor Blair to be used against the people this can now be used to wipe out the Remainers and whatever they pass through parliament.

2019-09-06 16:45:15 UTC  

yup, they said that in france too

2019-09-06 16:45:48 UTC  

it's not on the table because it's already been sold to virgin

2019-09-06 16:46:29 UTC  

this is just some pretense that the NHS has not been sold yet

2019-09-06 16:46:35 UTC  

stealth contracting

2019-09-06 16:46:50 UTC  

means virgin will perform 70% of nhs function by 2024

2019-09-06 16:47:39 UTC  

aka the bits that can be turned to profit

2019-09-07 01:11:23 UTC  

All that matters to the public is that it is free at point of service to UK citizens and is run efficiently with cost effectiveness and to a high standard with the latest treatments. The system is being abused and the left and socialists want to turn it from an NHS into an IHS meaning international whereby every tom dick or mohammed come from all over the world to blag free treatment at our expense. The same that has happened in all our cities where the UK is swamped and these invaders get preferential treatment in housing, social services and education and benefits. It is a disgrace. It takes months and months waiting for a simple operation while in certain sections there is huge over staffing and disorganisation.

2019-09-07 01:16:39 UTC  

Let me give you an example. I went for a pre op for minor operation (still waiting 10 months later btw).
1st time it takes 6.5 hours. Mostly spent waiting. (it's not busy by the way). You are shunted from room to room while they do different tests. Like one room for a swabs. Another for blood test. Another for height/weight. Another for blood pressure. Another to go through form and sign consent etc. Long waits in between each and whole thing is over 6 hours.
After 3 months as you haven't yet had the op you have to go back and do it all again... this time at a different hospital. This time they do the whole thing as before. You arrive check in and after 5 mins wait are seen. Go into 1 room where they do all the test at once in that room. It takes all of 10 mins. So total time 15 mins. Compared to over 6 hours.

2019-09-07 01:21:24 UTC  

Who are the idiots who organise their system at the 1st hospital. This is just 1 example of chaos. Another say appointments with consultants. One hospital books people in the clinics with staggered time appointments while another block books 100 patients all at the same time, meaning people are waiting hours to be seen for all of 10 mins or so. Ridiculous. All the while they have nearly as many of these admin staff constantly walking around bundles of files. Seemingly like 2 or 3 could do the job but there are about 20 of them, who spend most of the time doing nothing.

2019-09-07 01:25:03 UTC  

This is the reality of the UK NHS. Throwing money at it won't work it need re-organising from a patient centric POV. People should be treated as a whole as less in terms of the particular medical area.

2019-09-07 03:04:42 UTC  

True that .. NHS is deliberating fucked with what ever is going on in the agenda with it .. Doctors timers are done before you tell them what’s up .. also private health insurance gets you a guarantee 6 weeks with NHS so private hospitals are kinda useless and are being forced to shut if the customers are choosing the NHS route .. this then fucks up all the waiting times all because of there stupid tier system .. NHS is designed to be fucked A doesn’t know what B does who doesn’t know what C does etc .. so on certain issues they probably know what’s up but it’s out of there range .. we are at breaking point and something feels like the suffering is just beginning with 5G fully in play

2019-09-07 23:03:49 UTC  

Yep true & to top it all I got a letter today from them about the operation. A questionnaire asking me how my operation went 3 months ago... the one I'm still waiting for on the waiting list!

2019-09-07 23:04:30 UTC  

You can't make this stuff up. I am so instilled with confidence that they know what they are doing...

2019-09-07 23:06:43 UTC  

I'm trying to figure it out. As more than that time they did allocate a slot but in a different hospital with a different consultant than I had seen. So when I called them to query that they were sheepish and like err that shouldn't have happened. It might have even been the wrong dept for some completely different op..

2019-09-09 21:02:55 UTC  
2019-09-11 14:30:45 UTC  

scotland left uk and joined eu, this parliament is for england, not uk

2019-09-12 04:03:46 UTC  

Scottish Court has no standing in these matters because they created the Supreme Court to deal with these matters as a UK court. It is not a devolved matter. It's politicing by Scots re their Independence etc