Message from @Prashivra

Discord ID: 609730108647014410

2019-08-04 23:10:31 UTC  

no freaking clue

2019-08-05 00:09:57 UTC  

Nah I’m not near London but it’s all middle class from what i see .. and Islam they don’t need masks lol they just get to say and do whatever they want politically.. this antifa looked much more prepared than most iv seen in the past few years so i think these were the paid antifa and not the guy that thinks he’s doing the right thing antifa .. Islam actually stick to there own agenda they don’t need left or right .. when it’s something they want you soon know about it

2019-08-05 00:10:35 UTC  

But the hosts of this video they are anti Islam antifa are not that’s why there near fighting

2019-08-05 00:13:10 UTC  

Well it’s over a journalist being jailed for causing Muslim rape gangs anxiety with questions in a polite manner when you break it down .. who has now ended up in jail beside Julian Assange and killed journalism in the U.K. while another high up yellow vest pretty much killed saying anything to politicians by pleading guilty to his comments

2019-08-09 18:40:01 UTC  

Ee By Gum tha know! It's alreet up North. Just the soft southern ponces without power!

2019-08-10 12:36:01 UTC  

now u know why there was a blackout in uk

2019-08-10 12:36:19 UTC  

soon at is hit the web....that area of the uk was blacked out

2019-08-10 12:39:39 UTC  

that area?

2019-08-10 12:45:26 UTC  

london and eastern uk

2019-08-10 12:45:46 UTC  

or the side east of london to be exact

2019-08-10 12:46:18 UTC  

so an area

2019-08-10 12:46:25 UTC  

why 'that' area

2019-08-10 12:48:18 UTC  

theres a rail tunnel out of uk into france

2019-08-10 12:48:31 UTC  

cut off lines of escape

2019-08-10 12:49:31 UTC  


2019-08-10 12:49:37 UTC  

i wonder who was escaping

2019-08-10 12:49:46 UTC  

unno andrew is in eire at the mo?

2019-08-10 12:51:12 UTC  

btw that tunnel is never a means of escape

2019-08-10 12:51:19 UTC  

quicker to swim

2019-08-10 12:51:44 UTC  

also it congested the traffic in the region

2019-08-10 12:52:16 UTC  

to prevent waterway access from anybody wishing to escape

2019-08-10 12:52:35 UTC  

the national grid failure effeect various areas of uk

2019-08-10 12:52:38 UTC  

north and south

2019-08-10 12:53:00 UTC  

theres a global civil war going on ...but it's mostly cold with mild hotzones..

2019-08-10 12:53:07 UTC  

uk is no exception

2019-08-10 12:53:54 UTC  

as the truth comes out about the globalists...each area effected will warm up a bit in the global civil cold war

2019-08-10 12:54:48 UTC  

the left, the puppets of the ds/nwo globalists ...are pushing for hard hot war with guns and such

2019-08-10 12:55:09 UTC  

so are the extreme right....

2019-08-10 12:56:03 UTC  

it's those of us in the middle..which is the majority of the global population that gets screwed over by both that are infact puppets of globalist ds/nwo

2019-08-10 12:56:08 UTC  

didn't seem that big of a power outage to me

2019-08-10 12:56:15 UTC  

1m people they estimate

2019-08-10 12:56:26 UTC  

travel was effected for a bit but didn't stop

2019-08-10 12:56:46 UTC  

only two generators failed and backup worked well

2019-08-10 12:56:58 UTC  

well we don't know yet which side put out the power..the ds/nwo or the forces of truth

2019-08-10 12:57:08 UTC  

i'm not convinced the power outage was linked to a global comspiracy

2019-08-10 12:57:27 UTC  

prolly just all the peeps putting ac on

2019-08-10 12:57:35 UTC  

was a very muggy day