Message from @Riggy17 (UK)

Discord ID: 559753718669770802

2019-03-25 00:59:37 UTC  

Latest update from UK Column (22/3/19). A must Watch. It's Noted we still have had no legislation to amend the 2018 EU Withdrawal Act which still sets in stone the 29/3 as the exit date. According to UK constitution an act of Parliament, say a Statutory Instrument must be passed through the HOC and the Lords to change that. It could only be the April date without May's Surrender agreement passing first. If not and as some on the Remain side are saying "blah blah EU law is supreme so no need" It begs the question would that invalidate the whole Withdrawal Act. Can they simply amend their version of Article 50 Lisbon Treaty without any oversight? How can they possibly pass an SI in time through both houses now. In other news NOTE the name "OPERATION YELLOW HAMMER." as a direct threat to any Yellow vest activity that may ensue.

2019-03-25 01:06:19 UTC  

Federico Mogherini (EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs + Security) announces the New World Order and reveals all work for the EU Army/Defence Union is now complete. Britain is a full part of this despite the public being kept in the dark and all MPs knowing but refusing to talk about it.

2019-03-25 09:57:39 UTC  

When a big event like the weekends one is funded to get her out and is by the left and all the media are now turning on her would be surprised if she can last this week .. need to see what she says today .. and sure hope that’s not the option in play lol she will resign if her deal is voted for 🤣 .. bribery .. today should be interesting .. still do not think we have 10k troops here for no reason .. 13 country’s but who the fuck are these troops .. timing is bad for them to be here

2019-03-25 10:38:00 UTC  

What if May was in on it all the time and this was part of the plan for a proper no deal Brexit .. to have change 4 days before Brexit would be mad and would have to surely end in a hard no deal .. it’s her husbands power that just makes me think she’s way to deep state but the timing of this to be happening is mad

2019-03-25 10:38:39 UTC  

Would like to know who funded that flash event at the weekend

2019-03-25 11:31:07 UTC  

This is who is behind it going by addresses .. not sure who is making there moves

2019-03-25 12:39:59 UTC  

She lied. It's a rouse to get the Surrender agreement through. In a meeting this weekend she has refused to quit. And tonight a series of indicative votes are set to take place. Complete chaos really caused by her. This flies in the face of every constitutional precedent we have. The Govt. opinion is that UK law no longer matters and the 2018 EU withdrawal act doesn't need amending as they have created an international treaty as the executive without first approving it in Parliament.
Here is a piece commenting on it from Martin Howe QC. (Queens Council).

2019-03-25 12:40:55 UTC  

Here's the article attached as a PDF as it's a Telegraph Premium article behind a paywall.

2019-03-25 12:43:59 UTC  

I had considered it was an elaborate rouse too for a no deal brexit...but have long since given up the idea that she is that clever. No she is in fact monumentally stupid

2019-03-25 12:44:54 UTC  

During this weekends meeting with Mogg and the rest of the brexiteers she has refused to stand down.

2019-03-25 12:45:41 UTC  

The whole Remain/Peoples Vote and march etc is a Soros Funded affair. It was exposed a while ago.

2019-03-25 12:45:49 UTC  

No Surprise really!

2019-03-25 12:48:55 UTC  

In the UK Column video (scroll up) they discuss the new EU troops arriving and the Govt. Emergency Operation YELLOW HAMMER (Re. UK Yellow Vest movement). To look out for any key changes in military heads. Though most have already been replaced by Common Purpose loyalists already.

2019-03-25 13:37:10 UTC  

Thanks @lucid 👍💯 .. has Soros been seen in public ? I think he’s to exposed to have been behind it .. timing of rockerfeller death is crazy lol uk news probably won’t put it up because he is only a conspiracyyyy here 🤣

2019-03-25 13:45:09 UTC  

In terms of his funding through various organisations he was exposed. But thats how it works, he pays the bills

2019-03-25 13:47:28 UTC  

Note recent comments by US administration asking the same question.

2019-03-25 14:59:46 UTC  

Theresa May is going to address parliament and then should give a speech in 30 minutes but seems unlikely she will resign today maybe like Thursday if she is resigning but please be today 📝

2019-03-25 16:23:08 UTC  

Latest info from today pre this afternoons HOC debates and votes

2019-03-25 16:24:19 UTC

2019-03-25 16:31:27 UTC  

It's still there as UK law

2019-03-25 16:38:32 UTC  

There are a whole load of amendments due this evening and a whole raft of Statutory Instruments to be voted on if there is time (or be deferred) but NONE of them listed are for altering the leaving date from Chapter 16. What date would they choose? It could ONLY be the April 11/12 th date without first approval in the meaningful vote on May's Surrender agreement.

2019-03-25 16:44:56 UTC  

So it takes a minimum of 48 hours to get an SI through the House of Commons and then the House of Lords. Assuming it passes both. So what happens come Friday if it fails or no SI is proposed. Well according to UK law we have left the EU and are on WTO terms. If the Govt doesn't accept and acknowledge such then effectively UK Law no longer exists with Govt interpretation and we are wholly and fully ruled by Brussels EU. A precursor for what Mays agreement would bring. Our UK Statutory law would be only for show.

2019-03-25 16:58:05 UTC  

Right. That is horrible.

2019-03-25 17:00:10 UTC  

The singer guy

2019-03-25 17:00:25 UTC  

It may be that a timetable for a Stat Instrument has just been laid but May has not invoked the law within The Withdrawal Act to Revoke the EU communities Act. This is all looking like we are a a banana republic here. Where we are seeing the foundations of tyranny being laid out

2019-03-25 17:01:03 UTC  

"The singer guy" ?? sorry I'm not with you

2019-03-25 17:11:03 UTC  

There is indeed now some argument that even a STATUTORY INSTRUMENT may not be enough to change the or defer the leaving date but a FULL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. According to a high court ruling.

2019-03-25 17:25:10 UTC

2019-03-25 17:27:57 UTC  

Either May did NOT ask the Attorney General's advice or did but didn't like the answer. It initially went from we don't need a statutory Instrument to now tabling an SI, where in fact they may need a full act of parliament. All done and passed through the House of Commons and passed through the Lords by the end of the week...

2019-03-25 22:39:50 UTC

2019-03-25 22:40:50 UTC  

Prince Charles shoes in Cuba look black from distance on camera but on certain points proper red .. blood made in my view

2019-03-25 23:16:23 UTC

2019-03-26 07:34:29 UTC  

never said it was, just said don't mess with us and we'd be peaceful