Message from @Thoutzan

Discord ID: 613392937547595795

2019-08-20 14:37:34 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) i woudn't count that much into it... maybe i missed another PM?!

2019-08-20 14:38:06 UTC  

there are also chancellors and presidents on the list... which have a higher position in some countries

2019-08-20 14:39:18 UTC  

Yeh sure mate I’m not meaning anything by that btw as a connection just I’m use to seeing the 37th prime mentioned a lot .. yep sure mate i do go on lol you have a long total 😂 @ResignationAnon

2019-08-20 14:40:39 UTC  

I am trying to keep track of just U.K. job losses at company’s and it’s mayhem .. so huge respect for your time

2019-08-20 14:42:01 UTC  

Government is bailing the failing businesses out to try keep the economy ticking over but Brexit could well be the only excuse the banks have i dono

2019-08-20 14:50:13 UTC  

This should have collapsed china’s richest family stepped in but this has look set to collapse for ages .. btw not aiming this towards yourself ResignationAnon because i know your way up to date on this stuff

2019-08-20 14:59:17 UTC  

the maxwell pic is fake?

2019-08-20 15:04:38 UTC  


2019-08-20 15:15:34 UTC  

i hadn;t looked at it too closely

2019-08-20 15:19:24 UTC  

now that i do, damn sloppy job

2019-08-20 15:19:50 UTC  

looks like 2 pics are of 2 different occasions

2019-08-20 15:19:57 UTC  

with the people behind her switching

2019-08-20 15:20:05 UTC  

had to make it just as sloppy as epstein's even the stupid ppl can see its bs

2019-08-20 15:20:29 UTC  

or with some time between them anyway

2019-08-20 15:20:51 UTC  

massaging the optics

2019-08-20 15:21:23 UTC  

i assumed it was a message to intel assets from the direction of the epstein operation

2019-08-20 15:21:40 UTC  

but now i'm thinking it's the other direction, a message to maxwell herself

2019-08-20 15:24:32 UTC  

… same as vaccine and population replacement. it's "no go zone" for even POTUS - you can troll dems criticize the fed defund pp or even arrest some lowlie cabalists, but don't u dare touch population control / poisoning. didn't Trump admin just refused to force cancer warning labels on mosanto roundup product ?

2019-08-20 15:30:29 UTC  

oh here we go again

2019-08-20 15:30:46 UTC  

one existential threat to humanity at a time dude

2019-08-20 15:31:18 UTC  

do you have anything to contribute anymore besides cold water?

2019-08-20 15:32:20 UTC  

actually roundup should be removed from the shelves period

2019-08-20 15:37:44 UTC  

Q made references to this topic in early drops

2019-08-20 15:38:03 UTC  

incl pointing to patents of cures for cancer and aids

2019-08-20 15:45:42 UTC  

too busy to save humanity so that have to refuse to put a label on poison huh ?

2019-08-20 15:46:20 UTC  

more like care more about political gain than the actual health of ppl

2019-08-20 15:50:12 UTC  

yeah like you care about the subject matter

2019-08-20 15:50:14 UTC  


2019-08-20 15:50:18 UTC  

but okay with banning bump stocks, when busy saving humanity from existential threats

2019-08-20 15:50:44 UTC  

uknow if you did this to a left leaning discord you would have way more material to work with

2019-08-20 15:50:47 UTC  

just sayin...

2019-08-20 15:52:02 UTC  

oh who am i kidding u would get perma banned at the first hint of criticism lol

2019-08-20 15:52:06 UTC  

wtf am i thinking

2019-08-20 15:52:13 UTC  

i talk about problems and ask questions on whats going on. I don't talk about other users, mostly

2019-08-20 15:53:42 UTC  

sigh... ok well maybe you might look into what this label actually means, how it would effect business and what motivated the desire for such a label?

2019-08-20 15:54:30 UTC  

"actually roundup should be removed from the shelves period" i agree with @SirW00f on this one

2019-08-20 15:55:19 UTC  

in any case trump has been consistently against restrictions and other things like this for environmental reasons