Message from @DaveyJones

Discord ID: 628028603988181002

2019-09-29 21:16:11 UTC  

Ya that lagarde bitch is corrupt as fuck

2019-09-29 21:16:23 UTC  

Her home was raided by authorities more than once

2019-09-30 00:01:41 UTC  

trump to step down

2019-09-30 00:12:58 UTC  

That real?

2019-09-30 00:15:33 UTC  

lol look at the date

2019-09-30 00:16:23 UTC  


2019-09-30 00:16:28 UTC  


2019-09-30 00:23:23 UTC  

was explaining this on other servers for the past few days...he could resign at any time prior to the minimum application date to run for president in 2024 elections, get a full reset of his time served in office but not get discounted in his actions(not impeached), and start his time over again once he's elected(8yrs reduced to 0 to restart again)

2019-09-30 00:23:50 UTC  

the term limit rules are this - 10yrs for president/vp

2019-09-30 00:24:03 UTC  

currently no term limits for congress/senate

2019-09-30 00:24:30 UTC  

it's a little loophole in the term limit for potus/vp

2019-09-30 00:25:21 UTC  

technically biden served 8yrs as vp, so he only has 2yrs left on his limit for time served as potus/vp

2019-09-30 00:37:36 UTC  

biden and or obama would have to get elected and spend 1.5yrs in office then resign in order to reset their time spent in office

2019-09-30 00:38:47 UTC  

then would have to be elected all over again to get into the potus/vp position which ever is available(it's appointed by party primary popularity)

2019-09-30 00:39:21 UTC  

that's cool in theory, but take into account trump's age

2019-09-30 00:40:08 UTC  

once a potus resigns ...vp takes over as potus, the vp vacant slot is filled by next person in line in the primaries prior to the election per party of the original potus/vp

2019-09-30 00:40:41 UTC  

age has no issue..there is no set limit for age of those running for office, only they have to be at least 35yrs of age

2019-09-30 00:41:27 UTC  

no but there is a limit to the human life span dude

2019-09-30 00:41:34 UTC  

so in theory, trump can run for ever til he's incapable of being the president physically/mentally by doctor of the president

2019-09-30 00:42:32 UTC  

yes, but still if 'all cures released' ...what if our actual age limit is alot longer than 106yrs max(oldest person known alive currently)

2019-09-30 00:43:06 UTC  

theres biblical record of humans living for thousands of yrs

2019-09-30 00:43:13 UTC  

yeah, but wouldn't u want to retire at some point?

2019-09-30 00:43:42 UTC  

retire...resign...take a few decades vacation...who knows

2019-09-30 00:43:49 UTC  

lol 'biblical' doesn't really sell it for me dude

2019-09-30 00:47:07 UTC  

well considering free-masons and 'rome' keep those records under lock and key of pre cataclysms events(before and after christ as well, u think 1500yrs of almost nothing going on in the world is mostly bs between time of christ til 500yrs ago)

2019-09-30 00:47:50 UTC  

history is recorded by the victors ...also history is corrupted by those that wish to corrupt time recorded

2019-09-30 00:49:03 UTC  

in our small world known history for example...there was war of 1812 ..between england and usa...but if u look deep enough...there were many many wars around the planet in 1812-1815

2019-09-30 00:50:04 UTC  

also a reference to a yr of darkness from 1811 to 1812...and another reference of 'yr of the comet' in that same time period

2019-09-30 00:50:34 UTC  

ok but it's a long way from there to trump serving multiple terms

2019-09-30 00:50:43 UTC  

being a mud flood researcher has it's perks for looking for lost history

2019-09-30 00:50:48 UTC  

and there are issues with the secret cures issue

2019-09-30 00:51:04 UTC  

u know randal carlson?

2019-09-30 00:51:31 UTC  

most of those secret cures are reversals of the contaminations they done to us

2019-09-30 00:51:46 UTC  

remaining are the cures of illnesses that ppl can still get

2019-09-30 00:51:47 UTC  

one issue for example is the fact that there is a patent for a cure for aids, which i am pretty sure never existed

2019-09-30 00:52:17 UTC  

look up a dr deusberg on that one

2019-09-30 00:52:30 UTC  

i already did....we talked about that 2 weeks ago

2019-09-30 00:52:46 UTC  
