Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 593184990586732555

2019-06-25 19:43:01 UTC  

@Bleezer thanks ...

2019-06-25 19:46:02 UTC  

This mans a hero Trump up to like 5 confirmed kills int he story so far 😂

2019-06-25 19:46:09 UTC  

he saved like a dozen people

2019-06-25 19:49:07 UTC  

i think google has to decide which is worse...all the flood of truth coming out or their exposure of their agenda on project veritas

2019-06-25 20:10:09 UTC  

according to the project veritas vid, even a liberal tim pool is considered alt-right nazi now...because he woke up

2019-06-25 20:13:53 UTC  

oh gee, this is interesting ..the next suggested vid on yt after tim pool's vid is more op'eds of google's censorship

2019-06-25 20:14:13 UTC  

next one is black pigeon speaks

2019-06-25 20:29:35 UTC  

Can someone on twitter tell me if joe rogan retweeted that what he was tagged please ? Seemed at the point of Alex Jones and him arguing something was far wrong on both ends ? Hope he does fight the censorship not seen his stuff since back then

2019-06-25 21:04:23 UTC  

the dam yt code keeps giving me google exposed vid content ...btw, even the project veritas expose' vid keeps popping up under different users

2019-06-25 21:05:22 UTC  

i guess this is what Q means by "code injected, code good"

2019-06-25 21:08:30 UTC  

that's definitely a possibility

2019-06-25 21:09:52 UTC  

george orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning, not a guide book

2019-06-25 21:10:56 UTC  

its a trap (for the NWO) plot twist

2019-06-25 21:13:13 UTC  

enough rope to hang themselves

2019-06-25 21:13:31 UTC  

The long game was to slowly manipulate the minds.

2019-06-25 21:14:35 UTC  

i suggest everybody on this server go find somebody that doesn't have internet access to redpill them if u can least in usa redpill them with actual trump promises vs what he's actually delivered on and compare that to the dems running for the 2020 election with their history of promises vs what promises they delivered on

2019-06-25 21:16:03 UTC  

trying to do this locally myself ....either via usb stick or borrowing an unlocked smart phone to show to ppl without internet

2019-06-25 21:18:40 UTC  

without internet? those people exist?! lol

2019-06-25 21:20:17 UTC  

whats next stone tablets ?

2019-06-25 21:21:12 UTC  

some ppl can't afford internet

2019-06-25 21:21:47 UTC  

i actually know alot of ppl like that around me with no internet...either stuck with local or cable tv for news sources

2019-06-25 21:22:08 UTC  

few of them don't even have smart phones

2019-06-25 21:22:20 UTC  

hell i don't even have a phone period

2019-06-25 21:22:35 UTC  

hardline old school here, baby

2019-06-25 21:28:58 UTC  

must be nice

2019-06-25 21:37:28 UTC  

well i keep hearing phone calls in the next room on somebody's phone ....because the owner keeps leaving it on the first floor to spend quality time watching tv in their room