Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 568498057050587156

2019-04-18 16:48:58 UTC  


2019-04-18 17:08:28 UTC  

So pretty much the whole report was leaked nothing i can find that is new... or interesting for that matter. They still claim Russians hacked 370Gb from the DNC servers with a fishing scam and that JA is a Russian bot.

2019-04-18 17:21:21 UTC  

the report was written to give a reason to get ja over to usa...since the previous reason was so flimsy

2019-04-18 17:22:41 UTC  

then ja can testify that it wasn't the russians, it was seth rich

2019-04-18 17:22:57 UTC  

inside the dnc server room

2019-04-18 17:24:25 UTC  

It's all a scam, Russia Deep State playing their role of eternal baddy

2019-04-18 17:26:44 UTC  

And the DNC was able to surpass the NSA by opening a google email account.

2019-04-18 17:26:48 UTC  

they were the baddy when it was under soviet socialist control

2019-04-18 17:26:59 UTC  

and dnc back then supported them

2019-04-18 17:27:08 UTC  

they still do

2019-04-18 17:27:17 UTC  

now dnc hates them because they kicked out the socialists

2019-04-18 17:27:27 UTC  

Putin speaks better German then Russian

2019-04-18 17:58:18 UTC  

been reading the sniplets from the report...did u know mueller made few lawyers defending 1-2 ppl testify against their clients

2019-04-18 17:58:36 UTC  

which is illegal

2019-04-18 17:59:48 UTC  

umm..shouldn't the co's name be in russian..not english

2019-04-18 18:08:26 UTC  

i prefer this version

2019-04-18 18:09:43 UTC  

florida country gov?

2019-04-18 18:09:57 UTC  

how many countries in florida?

2019-04-18 18:10:15 UTC  

Broward County

2019-04-18 18:10:56 UTC  

well she made a typo and i exploited it

2019-04-18 18:11:48 UTC  

full thread

2019-04-18 18:18:38 UTC  

lol the two sides of the same coin... people pretend like they are SOOOOOO different lol

2019-04-18 18:21:22 UTC  

Only one Country in Florida 🇮🇱 (this while gov. DeSantis appoints Fla. Supreme Court Judge😱 )

2019-04-18 18:38:36 UTC  

sorry, @svizzy , what does this mean?

2019-04-18 18:44:45 UTC  

I continued what Libtardious started.

2019-04-18 18:45:19 UTC  

the foreign country in florida

2019-04-18 18:47:15 UTC  

i approve

2019-04-18 18:48:04 UTC  

keeps disconnecting the stream to me

2019-04-18 18:48:21 UTC  

maybe it's flagged as conspiracy theory

2019-04-18 18:57:08 UTC  

lol maybe

2019-04-18 18:59:00 UTC  

what a fool