Message from @PatrickLux666

Discord ID: 629251130928398336

2019-10-03 09:11:11 UTC  

Bring the Joker on boyo.

2019-10-03 09:11:46 UTC  

I would've gone in full makeup too if I wasn't afraid of a security guard shooting me

2019-10-03 09:12:04 UTC  

Help spread toxic masculinity

2019-10-03 09:16:05 UTC  

Cool, i plan to see it. But not anytime soon.I have a habit of waiting months, or sometimes years before watching a movie. XD
I don't need makeup, i'm already pale and have the look one generally expects a vampire to have. I wasn't even in costume last time i went to a Halloween event and got asked if i was going as a vampire. My reaction was: "Um...I always look like this? I'm not in costume..." Lol. That was pretty funny, the look of dumb founded shock on his face when i said that was pretty funny. I think he thought i was wearing makeup.

2019-10-03 09:19:01 UTC  

Maybe i can go as fucking Dracula, haha. Though i have definitely decided to just go as what i am, and add the stereotypical attire if possible. It's easier than going as let's say a clown or something, 'cause i don't like makeup. Makes me feel like it'll get in my eyes, somehow. Lol.

2019-10-03 09:24:29 UTC  

Cool story

2019-10-03 09:24:33 UTC  

Do you drink blood too

2019-10-03 09:27:50 UTC  

Yes, actually. Never figured out why, but yeah...I do. Just not as often as most think, feeding every couple to a few weeks is enough to keep my body from freaking out. I tend to prefer blood through meat substrate though, it's easier to obtain and less obvious what i'm doing. Plus, the protein also helps my muscles from breaking down. Been drinking blood since i was a baby...It's like hunger or thirst really, like there's a light bulb in my brain that turns on going: "You need X." Lol.

2019-10-03 09:28:12 UTC  

I was feeding before i even understood what i was doing, basically.

2019-10-03 09:28:33 UTC  

You should look to join the Volkihar clan bro.

2019-10-03 09:28:56 UTC  

Since you are already in stage 4 of vampirism.

2019-10-03 09:29:38 UTC  

I'll look them up. Not sure who they are.
Would you like to explain what these stages are..? I'm not sure because i've never heard of this.

2019-10-03 09:30:45 UTC  

Oh, well shit. It's from a game. Damn it.

2019-10-03 09:32:42 UTC  

I was actually hoping you were talking about a real clan, lol. I've been passively searching for people like me, partially because i seem to be the only one even close to my state health wise regarding this within a 100 mile radius...

2019-10-03 09:33:27 UTC  

You can try looking for people with red eyes IRL.

2019-10-03 09:34:00 UTC  

Look for pale skin and sharpened teeth for bites.

2019-10-03 09:34:13 UTC  

I guess most of the vampires are in the closet.

2019-10-03 09:37:02 UTC  

Drug addicts are likely to have red eyes, you can use this to your advantage and try to pass your gene onto them and their offspring.

2019-10-03 09:38:48 UTC  

Yeah, you're probably right. When i was younger i had the fangs too. But...They rotted out, malnutrition is a bitch. I was so low in Vitamin D that it wasn't even measured when i got a test, so low it didn't even register. Found that out recently, it was even lower than i thought. Lol. My eye color is also odd. Too, they're a reddish amber. It's actually a good indicator to how much i've fed and if i need to again. The less red they are in color the longer i've gone, not sure why that's a thing. But it's one of the physiological symptoms i have picked up on over the years. Others have to, for example: When i feed too much they go straight up red. Only happened a few times in my life, but anyone present when the color shifted noticed.

2019-10-03 09:39:13 UTC  

Your eye color is pretty ngl.

2019-10-03 09:39:20 UTC  


2019-10-03 09:39:52 UTC  

Not gonna lie.Incel slang.

2019-10-03 09:40:48 UTC  

Amber is a rare color on its own.

2019-10-03 09:42:07 UTC  

Oh okay, yeah. Though people don't like looking me in the eyes, been told it's like looking at death. Lmfao. But yeah, i noticed that too. My mom's got a mix of amber and green, actually.

2019-10-03 09:42:24 UTC  

So i probably inheritted it from her.

2019-10-03 09:42:25 UTC  

If you have good jawline and are fairly muscular, you can be a vampire Chad with that eye combination.

2019-10-03 09:43:03 UTC  

My jawline is apparently more masculine than Chad...It's so masculine it's sharp edged, i didn't even realize that until yesterday. Lmfao.

2019-10-03 09:43:07 UTC  

Look for vampire female organisms to pump and dump, altough they're hard to find.

2019-10-03 09:44:46 UTC  

Are you following the MGTOW philosophy?

2019-10-03 09:45:07 UTC  

I found a chick like that before i found MGTOW. My ex...She thought she was a vampire. Ironically, this was before i finally came around to my own vampirism. I didn't wanna admit and embrace it until i confirmed it medically. At least, sufficiently to actually take on the term honestly. I don't like rushing to conclusions like that unless i have evidence to back it. So the whole time, she was pretending...And then the day i came back from my doc with papers to prove my health. She was real freaked out...I got the fucking proof. That was a funny moment.

2019-10-03 09:45:08 UTC  

It may come to a contradiction if want to continue your species.

2019-10-03 09:47:17 UTC  

I am following MGTOW, i don't even want to get near women. Already been propositioned before, and rejected it. Lol.

2019-10-03 09:48:19 UTC  

I don't even get out much, like a few times a month...So the fact any chick is giving me a look in that short amount of time. I guess that says it for itself. And i don't even look that muscular, i got a gaunt and more skeletal frame. Especially now that my weight has dropped.

2019-10-03 09:49:27 UTC  

I must ask, what does blood taste like for you? Does it give you superpowers?

2019-10-03 09:49:49 UTC  

Is the power stronger than those nofap superpowers?

2019-10-03 09:53:41 UTC  

And as a vampire (as you claim), have you found easy yourself to fit in society with the normie people?

2019-10-03 09:53:42 UTC  

Well, it depends on the amount. The standard feeding just prolongs symptoms that are pretty nasty, namely my GI tract freaking out, muscle weakness, heightened sensitivity to UV light, paler skin(I'm already corpse pale, but it's gotten even worse.), among many others. But in higher amounts, like in a binge...That's the point my eyes might go red, and i do get a high of sorts. It's hard to explain, roughly half an hour or so after a binge i feel this high for lack of a better word. I still feel the pain from my chronic issues, but my mental state is altered. I think faster, my reflexes get better, but i don't like doing that because while my tolerance to iron is higher than the norm. I don't know my ceiling, so i don't wanna overdo it.

2019-10-03 09:55:00 UTC  

Iron poisoning is still possible, albeit harder. For me. I don't wanna end up in the ER because i stupidly experimented on myself too extensively. Lol.

2019-10-03 09:56:37 UTC  

As to blending into society, no not really. But this is likely due to my lack of ability to blend into social cues, rather than my vampirism. If i actually could socialize like a normie. I probably would blend in reasonably well socially, but i definitely don't look normal. So i wouldn't fit into a crowd.

2019-10-03 10:00:11 UTC  

So long as it's not quiet enough to hear my bones creak and pop when i am moving, i actually have snuck up on people without me even trying.(Even with it being that quiet, most people aren't aware enough to notice me coming if i'm not visible...) Lol. So my stealth game is pretty good apparently, but blending into crowds likely won't work if i'm visible. I'm pretty easy to recognize. Only pale white dude in a crowd that looks like me...

2019-10-03 10:02:27 UTC  

I don't know if no-fap powers would be stronger or not. I wouldn't really call the effects of me drinking blood superpowers, more so just effects i've noticed. I wish i had real superpowers, believe me. If i DO have superpowers, i'm not aware of them. Lol.