Message from @Mudamaid 22

Discord ID: 584091539635175434

$im Iris Heart

2019-05-31 18:50:07 UTC  

Oh her <:lolz:480186121897377792>

2019-05-31 18:50:19 UTC  

Please step on me


2019-05-31 18:50:20 UTC  

**autistic cat loli headpatter**, you must mention a player with whom to exchange ($me @someone)

$marryexchange @Rhunespire

2019-05-31 18:50:34 UTC  

**autistic cat loli headpatter**, write the name of the person to be exchanged:

2019-05-31 18:50:34 UTC  

Iris Heart

2019-05-31 18:50:41 UTC  

@Rhunespire, ** Choose who you want to trade against Iris Heart :**

2019-05-31 18:50:42 UTC  

2019-05-31 18:50:53 UTC  


2019-05-31 18:50:54 UTC  

@ʇsıdɐᴚ ılo˥ ʇɐƆ ɔıʇsıʇn∀, **Iris Heart** vs **Chen**. Do you confirm the exchange? (y/n)

2019-05-31 18:50:57 UTC  

🤝 The exchange is over: **Iris Heart** vs **Chen**.

2019-05-31 18:51:04 UTC  

Thank you sir

I never knew Iris Heart would be a sadist

2019-05-31 18:51:11 UTC  


2019-05-31 18:51:14 UTC  


2019-05-31 18:51:14 UTC  

$im Chen

2019-05-31 18:51:16 UTC  

2019-05-31 18:51:30 UTC  

$im iris heart

2019-05-31 18:51:30 UTC  

2019-05-31 18:51:49 UTC  

Yes good


one of the images

was she holding a whip

2019-05-31 18:52:11 UTC  


oh nvm


2019-05-31 18:54:45 UTC  
2019-05-31 18:54:46 UTC  

2019-05-31 18:55:19 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit I have a business proposition for you

2019-05-31 18:55:20 UTC  

@Rhunespire. She be like ohohoho

2019-05-31 18:55:40 UTC  

Hermit likes a nice pair

2019-05-31 18:58:14 UTC  


2019-05-31 18:58:14 UTC