Message from @Airmid
Discord ID: 298680637731241984
Like a shill?
I was wondering why you and lady templar were talking like how old southern woman talked.
Minus the gospel.
Well I do live in the south, but I'm not an old lady.
not alabongo
@🅱arD @Lord Joe It's @James_Coney - LA 's wife
the worst state in the union
New Orleans
@Lord Joe Ahahahaha Old southern woman
Are you from the south too? @BlackMetalWitch
Well I got relatives down there by the river bend.
@Airmid Nah, from the west coast. NorCal
So now we have 2 ladies, 2 Jews, a few Mexicans and plenty of faggots. More diversity than antifa.
its time for southern music in the cumfy bunker. THE SOUTH'LL RISE AGAIN
I keep reading everything in my head in a southern accent now, goddamnit
@Airmid we're never living in commiefornia, unless we're there to annex it
I live in Alabama so woman here still have talks like "did you hear the ol doctor got cancer recently, so sad."
@James_Coney - LA I meant the west cost in general, babe.
kek, ikr
Not commiforia specifically.
Mainly the elderly though who know every one in town
Its all commie infested. I'm only going when the civil war starts
@James_Coney - LA Fuckin commiefornia has Disneyland tho 😢
@BlackMetalWitch we have Disney world!
Down in Orlando.
Disney is creepy anyway
I hope we have another earthquake on the west coast
@James_Coney - LA thinks disneyworld is a conspiracy
@Lord Joe Ah true... You win
@BlackMetalWitch the south always wins