Message from @HRSX
Discord ID: 746910634938990652
he isn't saying orange man good, he's saying orange man is better than chaos
are we allowed to drop racial slurs here
at least he is honest
Take care of yourselves, guys. There's always help. And it will get better. ❤️
> he has devolved very quickly
@Deleted User
What does he believe that is BS? And, give a specific reason if you can, not just some political/tribal statement
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban: "The West has given up on the power of the nation, the happiness derived from marriage and children; they have given up on a Christian Europe. Instead, they are toying with migration, open societies and rainbow families."
"Selfishness has taken over in Europe, but those who plan to fulfill their obligations will not be lost, they will not be tempted by meaningless desires, they will not be taken in by hollow selfishness.”
According to PM Orbán, the people of Central Europe honor work, national pride and Christian values. “We, therefore, protect our borders and leave our homeland to our children and not to migrants,” the PM stressed, adding that “the west has lost its appeal in our eyes.”
“The people of Central Europe haven’t had a chance like this for centuries: With Polish leadership, they could now be the masters of their fate, from the Baltic Sea to the Balkans.”
@HRSX hi yotta
@Deleted User
I have no idea who you are but it feels like ages since Ive been called yotta
I miss ofvo
tim poop
din fool
Oh damn, you are a part of that group? Ofvo, Eoppa, Khaine?
What an insufferable bunch of assholes...great guys though 😄
dead server
no I'm still here <:worrypepe:586396172562857994>