Message from @Zombiejewels

Discord ID: 801707412343488563

2021-01-21 06:46:47 UTC  

I cant wait to visit, lmao. I have a house reserved for 4 nights in April...4 bedrooms, private pool, $550 for the whole time

2021-01-21 06:47:21 UTC  

Bars on the windows so it's probably border adjacent but whatever. Bars on the windows!

2021-01-21 06:47:51 UTC  

That's a great deal. Lmao. Yeah... probably not the best neighborhood. But still.. have fun

2021-01-21 06:48:22 UTC  

My brother is white but spent time in prison and looks like he could be a tough mexican. No one will mess with us

2021-01-21 06:49:11 UTC  

Lol I would hope not.

2021-01-21 06:49:43 UTC  

And me, well, I got crazy bitch energy.

2021-01-21 06:51:06 UTC  

Haha. That works a lot of times. Shouldn't be a problem if you're just gonna hang out at the house. I mean.. pool!! Why wouldn't you? Lol

2021-01-21 06:51:43 UTC  

Right? I'm from the Seattle area. Anything above 70 is bikini by the pool weather

2021-01-21 06:52:07 UTC  

Hell, last time I was in texas it was december and still probably pool weather for me.

2021-01-21 06:52:50 UTC  

Lmao. I went to Texas in November once... everyone had winter coats on and i was walking around with a tshirt

2021-01-21 06:53:53 UTC  

Sounds about right. It's always nice there. Thought the first time I went there was a tornado warning which had my mother blowing up my phone and losing her mind.

2021-01-21 06:54:25 UTC  

yeah, no
body positivity is bullcrap

2021-01-21 06:54:47 UTC  

I was like, "mom, relax. We are in a top floor apartment with no bathtub to hide in, we will be fine. Byeeee." She doesnt think I'm funny

2021-01-21 06:55:25 UTC  

Yeah... you're never going to be an adult to some parents lmao.

2021-01-21 06:55:30 UTC  

if your friend is mad because you're doing the work, cut her out. If you're genuinely working out and improving yourself, no one has any right to tell you that you're toxic to them simply by being healthier.

2021-01-21 06:55:32 UTC  

Right. If you wanna be fat and happy, be my guest. But dont hate at me because I choose life over doughnuts.

2021-01-21 06:56:20 UTC  

She ghosted me. I'm hoping someday she will crawl back so I can return the favor and shut the door in her face.

2021-01-21 06:56:45 UTC  

While looking amazing in the new body I've worked my ass of to build

2021-01-21 06:57:44 UTC  

And I'm no body builder lol. I can barely survive Planet Fitness. I haven't stepped foot in a gym since I was 16. (Bit of a trigger) ||I was thin during my senior year of high school only because I wasn't eating, not because I was working out.|| I know what toxic pressure is like and it ain't because I have fit friends lol

2021-01-21 06:58:29 UTC  

I mean, be kind but don't let her run all over you. You worked for that, unlike most people and that's something to be proud of

2021-01-21 06:59:02 UTC  

When I joined Crunch they told me I would never succeed without spending $400 a month on a personal trainer

2021-01-21 06:59:03 UTC  

like dang it's actually nice to hear someone get there the normal way. she just sounds like she's so toxic that she can't even imagine doing the same

2021-01-21 07:00:01 UTC  

And for a year they were right. I got no where. Then the shut down happend and at 257 pounds I said, "oh hell no. I will not sit here and get fatter." Started watching what I ate, portion control, and walking.

2021-01-21 07:00:04 UTC  

truth be told, I come from a family of overweight people. It's not that we can't work out, it's that we're lazy. *I'm* lazy.

2021-01-21 07:00:18 UTC  

Oh I feel you on the lazy.

2021-01-21 07:00:34 UTC  

I didnt get to 257 because of ambition

2021-01-21 07:00:37 UTC  

It's easy to be lazy lol

2021-01-21 07:00:50 UTC  

like yeah, we put on weight quicker, especially on the hips. (if you saw my family, you'd understand lol) Doesn't mean the fact that we sit around on said butts all day does us any good. Like you said, at least own it

2021-01-21 07:00:51 UTC  

But we accidentally adopted a high energy puppy

2021-01-21 07:01:07 UTC  

that'll do it

2021-01-21 07:01:43 UTC  

Rescue said chihuhua mix. We get her and she's really tall for a chihuhua. A good six inches taller than our full grown chihuahua but so skinny from living on the streets

2021-01-21 07:02:19 UTC  

So I took her ass straight to Arbys for curly fries. We got her on a normal eating schedule and she kept growing so we DNA tested her

2021-01-21 07:02:30 UTC  

that's so cool!

2021-01-21 07:02:47 UTC  

I mean, not cool that she was skinny but that's so uplifting to hear, no joke

2021-01-21 07:02:47 UTC  

31% chihuhua, so she is a mix. But the mix is Rottweiler, german shepherd and husky

2021-01-21 07:03:03 UTC  


2021-01-21 07:03:04 UTC  

How did this happen?!?!?!

2021-01-21 07:03:25 UTC  

I didn't even think of that until you pointed it out oh my gosh. Now I'm trying not to laugh too hard so I don't wake my family up

2021-01-21 07:04:05 UTC  

So anyway, the bitch is crazy but we were too in love so I just took up running to help her get her crazy energy out

2021-01-21 07:04:44 UTC

2021-01-21 07:04:59 UTC  

What am i supposed to be looking at?