Message from @mightytrump

Discord ID: 801727318107881542

2021-01-21 08:14:08 UTC  

The USA is following the same path as our homeland and it's sad

2021-01-21 08:14:26 UTC  

Tbh abortion is a topic I feel a lot of cognitive dissonance about. I don't feel truly comfortable with either position, even if we assume the fetus can be considered a baby from its conception.

2021-01-21 08:14:35 UTC  

We don’t cry. We don’t give up. The maga hat stays on. God is on our side.

2021-01-21 08:15:19 UTC  

regardless of the Abortion topic... our country fell to leftists and now we're in the US and it's falling again.... we can't catch a break

2021-01-21 08:16:00 UTC  

Enjoy the ride down, it only gets bumpier

2021-01-21 08:16:02 UTC  

It’s hardly over for us

2021-01-21 08:16:09 UTC  

When u think the liberals finna take down the statue of liberty bc it is objectifying women?

2021-01-21 08:16:11 UTC  

isn't Biden getting Impeached?

2021-01-21 08:16:16 UTC  

I guess I see some sense of permanence and stability in this decision and that's somehow reassuring me that I don't need to deal with that topic (abortion) yet, at the same time, I do regret not confronting my own "disgust".

2021-01-21 08:16:19 UTC  

This other server is full of lefties still triggered even though they ahem "won." Seems odd. What will they complain about next? We should do a poll.

2021-01-21 08:16:45 UTC  

I've been through it before in Argentina.... I know how this plays out... only this time there's nowhere for me to go

2021-01-21 08:17:02 UTC  

don't forget that people see the statue as an object and that's sexist

2021-01-21 08:17:04 UTC  

A Republican House member was going to introduce them, but it wouldn't go anywhere

2021-01-21 08:17:19 UTC  

ah that sucks

2021-01-21 08:17:22 UTC  

I became a lifetime member of the NRA today

2021-01-21 08:17:27 UTC  

Now that Trump is gone they don’t have something to complain about

2021-01-21 08:17:30 UTC  

Even the dems want it so camel toe can be pres

2021-01-21 08:17:42 UTC  

Tis what happens with majority Dem House control

2021-01-21 08:18:05 UTC  

I guess we'll have to wait until 2022 for the dems to lose control

2021-01-21 08:18:08 UTC  

This would give Republicans a favorable political hand, so no

2021-01-21 08:18:16 UTC  

That's something to be proud of. I was thinking joining the SRA, though if I'm returning so soon to Argentina, I guess there's not much use in doing so.

2021-01-21 08:18:25 UTC  

Fingers crossed we win *anything*

2021-01-21 08:18:26 UTC  

you're going back?

2021-01-21 08:18:29 UTC  


2021-01-21 08:18:34 UTC  

Critical race theory <:emoji_25:788579261883744257>

2021-01-21 08:18:39 UTC  

eww Critical race theory

2021-01-21 08:18:42 UTC  

If I go back AFIP will arrest me for sure lol

2021-01-21 08:18:46 UTC  

Joe Biden sitting at that desk is a disgrace to America

2021-01-21 08:18:48 UTC  

Can’t wait to be educated on how I’m racist for existing

2021-01-21 08:18:50 UTC  

What the hell man <:dumby:771054344438415402> <:dumby:771054344438415402> <:dumby:771054344438415402>

2021-01-21 08:19:25 UTC  

CRT? More like *Critical Retard Theory*

2021-01-21 08:19:28 UTC  

Can't wait to have to fight off people by being forced into a re-education camp

2021-01-21 08:19:32 UTC  

I’m more qualified to be in that desk

2021-01-21 08:19:47 UTC  


2021-01-21 08:19:51 UTC  

Oh yeah. I can't bear the thought of not doing anything.

2021-01-21 08:20:04 UTC  

everyone needs to join the NRA because we're going to need them now more than ever

2021-01-21 08:20:16 UTC  

the left: people should be racist and treat people a certain way because of their skin colour

Also the left: all white people are racist by their very nature

2021-01-21 08:20:21 UTC  

nothing to do....the country is lost

2021-01-21 08:20:22 UTC  

Keeping my weapon by my side

2021-01-21 08:20:45 UTC  

At this point I’ll probably never have a gun