Message from @MemyselfandI

Discord ID: 801843259269578762

2021-01-21 15:56:35 UTC  

Well, that's some massive amount of bullhonky.

2021-01-21 15:57:00 UTC  

Because he has hairy legs.

2021-01-21 15:57:03 UTC  

So when they see my grade and I say, I am exposing the liberal shit they would say, thats not cool just do the assignment!

2021-01-21 15:57:07 UTC  

Biden's son is Totally NOT pedo ,

2021-01-21 15:57:09 UTC  

do what you think is best

2021-01-21 15:57:18 UTC  

@Jones they claim they have a document now? I didn’t know about that. I thought they only complained about the tweet and speech. Whatever I’m sure it’s BS anyway.

2021-01-21 15:57:20 UTC  

I fail to see how having your students analyze a high profile poem is an outrageous offence

2021-01-21 15:57:23 UTC  

but dont feed their egos with a fake puff piece

2021-01-21 15:57:26 UTC  

If they love you theyll support you, remenber your not failing on purpose your just not doing something that goes against your beleifs

2021-01-21 15:57:38 UTC  

did twitter buy discord? lmao

2021-01-21 15:57:39 UTC  

still opposite world right?

2021-01-21 15:57:43 UTC  

my parents are leftys 😦

2021-01-21 15:57:58 UTC  

hey alex, quick question, How old are you?

2021-01-21 15:58:16 UTC  

My statement was more in regards to the task mentioned before the poem, admittedly.

2021-01-21 15:58:18 UTC  

lol I hate haikus, but that's not bad. @Nightenhelser

2021-01-21 15:58:18 UTC  

24 why

2021-01-21 15:58:30 UTC  


2021-01-21 15:58:30 UTC  

just making sure, for some reason I thought you were a kid

2021-01-21 15:58:33 UTC  

Bro tell your principal and get her fired

2021-01-21 15:58:49 UTC  

principle might also be lefty

2021-01-21 15:58:50 UTC  

just disagree with her,. and waste class time

2021-01-21 15:58:58 UTC  

thats what I did

2021-01-21 15:59:00 UTC  

the school system is rigged

2021-01-21 15:59:05 UTC  

Then leave the dumb school <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2021-01-21 15:59:06 UTC  

My principal is farther left the her... and my Super intendant is even further.

2021-01-21 15:59:10 UTC  

Hey now, don't be so exclusive. He can identify as a child still, you know?

2021-01-21 15:59:13 UTC  

you gotta stand up for yourself

2021-01-21 15:59:13 UTC  

you know I really don't mind Bernie wearing mittens and a winter coat, as a new Englander that is kind of normal

2021-01-21 15:59:27 UTC  

I'm looking forward to the Obi-Wan Series.

2021-01-21 15:59:29 UTC  

the school my son wants to go back to is full of leftists, one called by son a nazi when she found out he liked trump.he had been homeschooled prior to this ..and I am in canada

2021-01-21 15:59:36 UTC  

i have mixed feelings over it

2021-01-21 15:59:39 UTC  

The thing is my area is super liberal, its like a 92% to 8% for left and right people

2021-01-21 15:59:42 UTC  

Call them out <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>

2021-01-21 15:59:47 UTC  

Schools routinely watch each inaugeration, they're a could basis for lessons of civics... this has been the first inaugerations schools have actually been told not to show their kids...

2021-01-21 15:59:48 UTC  

Guys, I want you to use all of your grey matter to understand my history teacher.

2021-01-21 16:00:01 UTC  

People have thought I was a kid or a girl. I take it as I am semi-retarded and cute.

2021-01-21 16:00:01 UTC  

i would move as soon as possible lol

2021-01-21 16:00:02 UTC  

he looked bored as fuck. i dont blame him because he got cheated out of the primaries and had to listen to joe biden

2021-01-21 16:00:08 UTC  

How much is fuel in y'alls area now?

2021-01-21 16:00:13 UTC  

sometimes we just gotta check

2021-01-21 16:00:14 UTC  

I got 2 more years and me and Emily are outa here