Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate
Discord ID: 801201925570822184
got pruned. discord crackdown
commies dont like memes about commies
That’s bullshit
build back better
More Troops in DC than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.....let that sink in . <:ZedBiden:769281795228958740>
I tried but he insists on staying out in the rain
If you need that many troops to protect you from the people, you probably weren't elected by the people.
shhh they may hear you.....Anne Frank
I think someone asked this before but where are the covid memes?
would they just fall under <#801170172723462204> since the virus has been so politicized?
federal minimum wage in 1998 was $5.-- Would have to look it up to feel correct on this
most of the red states got the lowest wage, the dem cities on the other hand got higher wages but the cost of everything in them was higher as well...
a national wage hike would raise the cost of everything across the board
like it does every time they raise it ...
supply and demand keep everything balanced slowly across the increases
it was 1.50 in the dem city i live in at the time
the walmart it's about 4.00 ....but normal store it's about 5.00 per gallon of milk
supply has increased..demand dropped a tad but it still balanced out
Its almost comical when they say they are gonna raise taxes on the top 1%....They could tax them all 100% and it wouldnt make a dent in the debt
so when u notice min wage around 7 bucks, and gallon of milk around 4-5's ratio'd per generation
fuck and here I was working when I was 8 on a construction crew during the summer for $10-20/day
well theres 'student' wage and then theres 'family rugrat' wage rates
You earned it and learned the value of a dollar
but increase to 15 would bring up that same gallon of milk to about 7-9 bucks a gallon
imagine being 15 and having to buy your own clothes and stuff
man I had a job over in Germany when I was 15 and got job the day I moved to America at DQ during the summer and farming as well with my uncle
How do they raise wages when the store isnt even open yet???...wiley coyote...super genius
by job I mean not working for a friend or my dad
BTW...did the caravan make it to Mexico yet??
wait people are leaving the USA like myself?
not had the TV on for anything but yee old nintendo 64 for about 2 months now
how many are on their way?
all of them