Message from @LinuxDaily

Discord ID: 801496834052587521

2021-01-20 16:59:16 UTC  

Literally EVERYTHING they accuse trump of (fake hair, everything else) is what Biden has or has done.

2021-01-20 16:59:28 UTC  

His hair lol

2021-01-20 16:59:30 UTC  

"Unity" - conformity 😛

2021-01-20 16:59:41 UTC  

How can anyone support Biden after all the video evidence of him being overly creepy with little children

2021-01-20 16:59:57 UTC  

because people are ignorant

2021-01-20 17:00:04 UTC  

“Racial justice”

2021-01-20 17:00:06 UTC  

It’s over guys

2021-01-20 17:00:17 UTC  

**Chill with the images everyone.**

2021-01-20 17:00:49 UTC  

Keep images/videos/links/etc all related to the chat. <#719770967542333442>

2021-01-20 17:00:52 UTC  

I'm barfing 🤢 at the lies and hypocrisy.

2021-01-20 17:00:54 UTC  

do we have to call each other comrades now?

2021-01-20 17:01:05 UTC  

Dang. "Enough of us have come out to carry the rest of us forward" 😛

2021-01-20 17:01:20 UTC  

oh damn joe is my ||(not)|| president now? didnt even notice

2021-01-20 17:01:26 UTC  

BIDEN You are making me rip my stomach out because of how retarded you are GTFO go back to your basement

2021-01-20 17:01:29 UTC  

only ironically.
Doing it unironically is cringe.

2021-01-20 17:01:48 UTC  

Last chance to get gas before it skyrockets guys and gals

2021-01-20 17:01:54 UTC  

Well, here is the beginning of a very evil era for America...courtesy of the demoKKKrat party.

2021-01-20 17:02:03 UTC  

Guys <#719770967542333442>

2021-01-20 17:02:11 UTC  

Pin this

2021-01-20 17:02:12 UTC  

President-reject Biden?

2021-01-20 17:02:16 UTC  

comrades it was nice being free

2021-01-20 17:02:25 UTC  

we are screwed

2021-01-20 17:02:25 UTC  

“We must listen to each other”
Next sentence
“We must silence fake truth (things I don’t like)”

2021-01-20 17:02:26 UTC  

Go fill your gas tanks up

2021-01-20 17:02:26 UTC  


2021-01-20 17:02:31 UTC  

It's sweet to remember that even now Hillary is still fuming that this isn't her, fourth time she's failed at it 😄

2021-01-20 17:02:41 UTC  


2021-01-20 17:02:55 UTC  

im going to buy like 50 gas cans and fill them with 93 so i can still drive with a tune lol

2021-01-20 17:02:55 UTC  

/ignore Mr. Good

2021-01-20 17:03:00 UTC  

Gas is only good for like 3 months btw in storage

2021-01-20 17:03:00 UTC  

Boys, let's call Joe "President Elect" for the next four years xd

2021-01-20 17:03:00 UTC  

i mean we are doomed, but stop being doomers, discord mods are watching, put that smile back on your face

2021-01-20 17:03:11 UTC  

Lady gaga changed up the anthem these people can't even sing the anthem correctly

2021-01-20 17:03:19 UTC  

Biden you are the one who silenced the will of the ppl <:LowDefKEK:798357348514791444> <:KEK:795742276549607456> <:GoldenKek:797863764002209812> <a:Golden_Kek:797863634440290355>

2021-01-20 17:03:26 UTC  

if you're trying to hurt my feelings, you arent doing a very good job lol

2021-01-20 17:03:31 UTC  

And as the president of the United States, I will do something huge and imaginable that will save our economy, I will build toilets for transgender people. This is what is missing in the US!

2021-01-20 17:03:42 UTC  


2021-01-20 17:03:52 UTC  

Chill with the caps.

2021-01-20 17:03:58 UTC  

Oh ffs we are not a democracy you idiot stop saying it

2021-01-20 17:04:02 UTC  

“Where king said his speech” when Harris literally fucking copied MLK

2021-01-20 17:04:05 UTC  

Yes president watermelon