Message from @Donald J. Trump

Discord ID: 801507868251127820

2021-01-20 17:44:25 UTC  

lol that police officer that was chased up the stairs by the rioters is being hailed as a "hero"

2021-01-20 17:44:30 UTC  

this is how God punishes wicked nations, he gives them wicked leaders. As a nation that kills babies, allows gay marriage and transgenderism, and is sexually perverse, we deserve the Biden administration.

2021-01-20 17:44:38 UTC  


2021-01-20 17:44:46 UTC  

.warn @DeanGilberry no random images in chat

2021-01-20 17:44:47 UTC  

Lol dean. Trying again

2021-01-20 17:44:47 UTC  

2021-01-20 17:44:48 UTC  

To everyone that can, get involved in politics. Start at the local level. The Left has control over all other institutions, so do what you can. Maybe you can't go to the gym but, go for a walk. Stop being a coom-brain. Do something! Because America needs Strong men! Not weak soyboys. It may take generations. We may not see the fruits of our labour, but we must do our part.

2021-01-20 17:44:49 UTC  

He used the devil to get where he is, but Trust in God’s plan, whatever that may be.

2021-01-20 17:44:58 UTC  

@DeanGilberry Please re-read the announcement

2021-01-20 17:45:03 UTC  

True also to mess with us because God doesn't let things happen to us unless he knows we are able to overcome by going to him

2021-01-20 17:45:06 UTC  

fix your states, state powers need a resurgence to keep the federal level in check

2021-01-20 17:45:09 UTC  

This is a smart idea. I suggest people following this advice.

2021-01-20 17:45:09 UTC  

He "heroically" ran away

2021-01-20 17:45:10 UTC  

Now both parties are trash

2021-01-20 17:45:10 UTC  

i saved it

2021-01-20 17:45:32 UTC  

1 Peter 2:13-14 says: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.”

God encourages submission to GOOD government, not to EVIL government.

2021-01-20 17:45:35 UTC  

I share disdain for Republicans but I can only hope for a Patriot party

2021-01-20 17:45:42 UTC  

That is all.

2021-01-20 17:45:48 UTC  

I should've registered for independent

2021-01-20 17:45:54 UTC  

Kinda liked trump because he felt more like an independent

2021-01-20 17:46:07 UTC  

*And indeed he was alone*

2021-01-20 17:46:09 UTC  

Geez, in the inauguration they’re quoting ben franklin now.
“y’know, benjamin franklin once said that only the virtuous can do good”
you know what else benjamin franklin said?
“those who give up freedom for security shall receive none”

2021-01-20 17:46:12 UTC  

We need to appear as apolitical as possible, or at least not as conservative, the threat from Discord is serious.

2021-01-20 17:46:14 UTC  

Yes but what about his people here? What anout israel? What about the enslaved children, none of us will stand a chance against such evil with such power, rip america, this day will be thd rise of the chinese

2021-01-20 17:46:16 UTC  

IF Trump becomes an Independent what would he call his party?

2021-01-20 17:46:19 UTC  

"Disobedience to tyranny is obedience to God"

2021-01-20 17:46:20 UTC  

No, I suggest registiring as a Republican for the primaries. 😉

2021-01-20 17:46:27 UTC  

Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it

2021-01-20 17:46:28 UTC  

The maga party

2021-01-20 17:46:30 UTC  

The Maga party

2021-01-20 17:46:30 UTC  

God will not forgive biden for what he did and is going to do with this country

2021-01-20 17:46:35 UTC  

fuck the Rinos Independants FTW 2022

2021-01-20 17:46:45 UTC  

Ironically this is the best speech I’ve seen all day.

2021-01-20 17:46:46 UTC  

Patriot party 🤷‍♂️

2021-01-20 17:46:50 UTC  

The sheep picture is gone

2021-01-20 17:46:51 UTC  

Yes we will because we have God on our side, they are against God and God is for us

2021-01-20 17:46:53 UTC  

did anyone notice bill clinton about to fall asleep during the inauguration?

2021-01-20 17:46:55 UTC  


2021-01-20 17:46:57 UTC  


2021-01-20 17:47:05 UTC  

Joe mama

2021-01-20 17:47:09 UTC  

*We as Christians are also called to be keepers of the peace*