Message from @Evan.

Discord ID: 801527845373214750

2021-01-20 19:00:09 UTC  

how should i know if that's who that is? that's why i'm asking

2021-01-20 19:00:33 UTC  

Andrew Klavin is the bald guy on Daily Wire

2021-01-20 19:00:41 UTC  

ty dawg

2021-01-20 19:01:27 UTC  

Hmu i need a meme creator to help me with my memes if your looking to fight back against this clown pm me i have plenty of free material straight out of the horses mouth, i suggest you hurry before i am bammed and all my info is gone forever im looking for volenteers

2021-01-20 19:01:31 UTC  

<:emoji_1:796400440513658890>is this a server emoji?

2021-01-20 19:01:40 UTC  

i'm a fan and watching the other 3 so when i went to their website and saw a 4th guy i wanted to see his stuff

2021-01-20 19:02:32 UTC  

You know if you followed the rules you wouldn't get banned...

2021-01-20 19:02:44 UTC  

@VulpesVulpes not by you

2021-01-20 19:02:46 UTC  

I made my own memes too

2021-01-20 19:02:51 UTC
So the left ain't even satisfied with Trump leaving. Looks like our job is to keep America First Nationalism alive and well.

2021-01-20 19:03:01 UTC  

I can help

2021-01-20 19:03:35 UTC  

<:emoji_3:796400964248141835> not sure what server this one is on

2021-01-20 19:03:51 UTC  

Imagine wanting opinions to not exist

2021-01-20 19:04:29 UTC  

I wanna run as a Democrat and take it out from the inside

2021-01-20 19:04:29 UTC  

What happens when you are brainwashed to belive anything from the manifesto

2021-01-20 19:04:42 UTC  

thats exactly what i was saying

2021-01-20 19:04:42 UTC  

Who is willing to join my FBI Agent staff

2021-01-20 19:04:47 UTC  

Hey is the server still on lockdown?

2021-01-20 19:05:14 UTC  

Yes. COVID infiltrated Zeducation. Wear your digital mask or go to jail. Kek

2021-01-20 19:05:14 UTC  

we're on the equivalent to mask mandates

2021-01-20 19:05:30 UTC  

In the future i want to see a republican run as a dem but say they will do what the dems do but when they get in office they dont do it

2021-01-20 19:05:39 UTC  


2021-01-20 19:06:01 UTC  


Yes make sure comments are six feet away from each other

2021-01-20 19:06:09 UTC  


2021-01-20 19:06:19 UTC  

Guys, make me admin. I will invite Discord higher ups and we will bully them into submission.

2021-01-20 19:06:34 UTC  


Bad idea

2021-01-20 19:06:37 UTC  


2021-01-20 19:06:43 UTC  


i will

2021-01-20 19:06:52 UTC  


2021-01-20 19:06:59 UTC  

Ok thats about enough of that

2021-01-20 19:06:59 UTC  


2021-01-20 19:07:20 UTC  

Have them join one of my servers. They will forgot this one existed in the frenzy

2021-01-20 19:07:26 UTC  



Why are you not six feet comments apart?

2021-01-20 19:07:30 UTC  

I want to know President Watermelon's policies

2021-01-20 19:07:38 UTC  

It was funny at first, now it's spam. Stop.

2021-01-20 19:07:41 UTC  

HeY sTaY sIx FeEt BaCk


2021-01-20 19:07:53 UTC  

.warn @hyperiacob don't use excessive space and clog up the chat

2021-01-20 19:07:54 UTC  

I still wish Vermin Supreme had won the presidency all those years ago

2021-01-20 19:07:55 UTC  

2021-01-20 19:07:59 UTC  

Fine. <:PepeGunRob:781190574375436319>

2021-01-20 19:08:15 UTC  
