Message from @1776

Discord ID: 800334653084270592

2021-01-16 22:30:31 UTC  

We’re close to that 250 year expiration date of empires

2021-01-16 22:56:43 UTC  

This right here. Britain and the HRE bounced back pretty well though. We will too. Just need to take out the trash and do the rest of the chores we've been neglecting

2021-01-17 07:31:04 UTC  
2021-01-17 10:11:55 UTC  


2021-01-17 10:19:31 UTC  


2021-01-17 10:20:04 UTC  

potatoes patatoes

2021-01-17 10:20:09 UTC  


2021-01-17 10:54:26 UTC  

Communists love to show off power

2021-01-17 11:06:38 UTC  

Peace through strength

2021-01-17 11:07:30 UTC  

Peace through intimidation

2021-01-17 11:11:35 UTC  

America as we know it is dead. You think we dont have the chinese social credit score? What do you think your credit score at the bank is? Think I am making it up? Look up Dick Mastersons patreon free speech alternative. Mastercard brought down the hammer to kill it. The banks are the ones who can make or break anyone who threatens their control. Who has big extensions of credit at the bank and who has to use their credit card to build up their score? And all that info is being sent to someone.

2021-01-17 11:13:57 UTC  

"But I have VPN! They cant see what I do! Encryption keeps me from being watched." Someone will say. Your internet service provider knows. There is a thing called a handshake which is your computers chip trading info with their server before any encryption starts. They can already track everything you do.

2021-01-17 11:14:31 UTC  

they dont know WHAT your doing exactly but they see the website locations you have been to.

2021-01-17 11:16:23 UTC  

and when the caravan arrives for all those people to get their 400$ a month unemployment the inflation will kill the dollar just like China and Russia have been trying to do for years.

2021-01-17 11:20:09 UTC  

These idiots who think anything is gonna stop the Backers of biden are deluding themselves if they thing there is any coming back from this. They wanted biden BECAUSE they have dirt on him. No way anyone with a clean record they cannot blackmail will get in office. We are Canada, just five years behind, but we are about to time warp.

2021-01-17 11:26:39 UTC

2021-01-17 11:35:29 UTC

2021-01-17 12:04:10 UTC  

Caldwell kept approximately $900,000 of the $3.5 million for himself, according to NBC DFW. (RELATED: One Of Bush’s Spiritual Advisers Indicted For Fraud, Faces Decades In Prison)

Texas megachurch pastor sent to prison for fraud scheme

— The Independent (@Independent) January 14, 2021

The Chinese bonds were reportedly issued by the former Republic of China before the country fell to the communist government in 1949. The bonds are no longer recognized by China’s government and have no investment value.

2021-01-17 17:41:46 UTC  

what was the point lol

2021-01-17 17:52:50 UTC  

So they all have guns but can't use them?

2021-01-17 17:53:54 UTC  

lets be honest, the only party that benefits biden dying is the democrat party. they probably have wet dreams of it happening

2021-01-17 17:53:59 UTC  

Maybe if you're so scared that you need this much security then maybe the people didn't vote for you

2021-01-17 17:54:46 UTC  

Maybe but that also sounds like someone baiting "look they got no ammo boys! Frontal assault!"

2021-01-17 17:55:21 UTC  

If its not its the most apropriate thing for someone who wants to ban assault weapons.

2021-01-17 17:58:27 UTC  

They are just setting it up so they can blame Republicans. It's the same thing as Jan 6th, regardless of if something happens they will make a big story about it to use it to push forward their agenda.

2021-01-17 17:59:39 UTC  

Eh if they want to do something they are going to do it anyway now

2021-01-17 17:59:42 UTC  

its coming

2021-01-17 18:02:55 UTC  

Yea, you're right. That's the scary part.

2021-01-17 19:11:41 UTC  

Wait so they ask for protection from maga getting the military which trump controls to come protect them...then they remember. Trump controls them and are now scared about how many they have, thus asking to remove their ammo which again i don’t think they can do so there’s something else happening

2021-01-17 19:11:45 UTC  

It makes no sense

2021-01-17 19:11:52 UTC  

Dammit another one

2021-01-17 19:11:59 UTC  

At least this ones more legit

2021-01-17 19:15:45 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:16:34 UTC  

Either way we know a democrat is gonna step into his spot.