Message from @TheOtrain

Discord ID: 798327991004037170

2021-01-11 22:34:25 UTC  

oh they know, their job is to cover for them

2021-01-11 22:36:04 UTC  

i thought antifa is just an idea

2021-01-11 22:36:22 UTC  


2021-01-11 22:42:40 UTC  

Oh yeah I forgot it’s just an idea. Lol.

2021-01-11 22:43:38 UTC  

It’s a shitty job if you ask me. The democrats will eventually come for the MSN people too when they are done with us

2021-01-11 22:47:11 UTC  

God these people are clueless.

2021-01-11 22:47:56 UTC  

If anyone can unite the country it’s Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They are out of their mind. Biden is sowing division by calling sitting senators Nazi’s.

2021-01-11 23:00:10 UTC  

They'll unite the country against them

2021-01-11 23:01:16 UTC  

I’m debating a friend of mine. He was telling me there are no tweets existing of any BLM/Liberal people who have tweeted violence against Republicans. I know I have seen many, but Google won’t show me anything of course because they are biased. Can you guys help me get some Ammo if you have any saved anywhere?

2021-01-11 23:01:56 UTC  

oh, ***any leftist*** ?

2021-01-11 23:02:06 UTC  

prepare for massive cum dump

2021-01-11 23:02:13 UTC  

unless u go to media bias then no xD

2021-01-11 23:02:20 UTC  


2021-01-11 23:05:44 UTC  

oh no so scary

2021-01-11 23:05:45 UTC  

aaaa a

2021-01-11 23:05:50 UTC  

she is going to stab me

2021-01-11 23:08:38 UTC  

they respect opinions idk what youre talking about

2021-01-11 23:09:37 UTC  

right, that explains a lot

2021-01-11 23:10:25 UTC  

oh yeah i saw that already

2021-01-11 23:10:54 UTC

2021-01-11 23:15:51 UTC  

for some reason discord is banning me from uploading the image

2021-01-11 23:19:00 UTC  

i see it

2021-01-11 23:19:24 UTC  

does it say "peaceful protesters"

2021-01-11 23:20:51 UTC

2021-01-11 23:20:53 UTC  

oh no not that one i see chop shooters chop victims

2021-01-11 23:21:04 UTC  

This chad is speaking straight fax against the libtards

2021-01-11 23:21:06 UTC  

my man shrek is back

2021-01-11 23:21:15 UTC  

I admire his dedication

2021-01-11 23:21:40 UTC  

Oh hello there

2021-01-11 23:22:24 UTC  

and how they respond "trumptard"

2021-01-11 23:23:01 UTC  

I responded to a comment that asked why they want to impeach trump

2021-01-11 23:23:24 UTC  

I said it’s because they hate him so much they don’t want him to run again

2021-01-11 23:23:25 UTC  


2021-01-11 23:23:35 UTC  

And then this dude was like ”trumptard”

2021-01-11 23:23:47 UTC  

Generally yeah most voters who voted for biden just voted for him cuz they hate trump

2021-01-11 23:24:37 UTC  

They would have voted hitler over trump

2021-01-11 23:25:35 UTC  

from what hitler said to his people prob

2021-01-11 23:25:51 UTC  

maybe not all but a lot might

2021-01-11 23:26:05 UTC  

Hitler pandered