Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 799200302116765696

2021-01-13 22:15:45 UTC  

My sister is a nurse and got the covid vaccine recently, then she ended up catching it anyway. And because lockdown meant the nurseries are closed, our parents were babysitting her son and caught it too.

2021-01-13 22:16:12 UTC  

The government's attempts to stop covid spread resulted in my entire family catching covid

2021-01-13 22:19:29 UTC  

Kinda makes a man wanna do something rash

2021-01-13 22:19:32 UTC  


2021-01-13 22:46:24 UTC  

My whole family got COVID (about 23 people in total in fam/friend/work circle). Almost everybody got over the fever in 2 days, followed by another 4 days of loss of taste and smell, some shortness of breath. Myself and one other person were the same, except on day 8 went downhill. It turned into pneumonia. Had to get on zpak and hcq. After being through it all- I will confidently say the Flu and Strep Throat are far worse. If I had to chose I would choose COVID everytime over flu or strep. I will say, I had shortness of breath for a week or two after it was all done. Similar to having altitude sickness. But it's not severe

2021-01-13 22:48:14 UTC  

Herd immunity is the only thing that is going to protect the elderly and vulnerable. We can't hide in our homes forever.

2021-01-13 22:59:49 UTC  

Agreed on all counts, flu gave me sepsis once, would definitely try covid before catching it again

2021-01-13 23:01:14 UTC  

I do hope your parents are ok. I know it is harder the higher the age

2021-01-13 23:03:55 UTC  

Thanks. They aren't too old and they say they're fine, but the constant covid propaganda and distance put me on edge

2021-01-13 23:06:52 UTC  

I just needed to bitch about it and get it out my system ":I

2021-01-13 23:33:32 UTC  
2021-01-13 23:34:15 UTC  

can we get a curb your social distancing

2021-01-14 00:25:54 UTC  

Marc van ranst= fauci of belgium

2021-01-14 00:26:29 UTC  

I am grateful to @vanranstmarc that today he pointed out to quite a lot of people my explanation of what #clocking is not. Thanks, Marc! : punch_tone1: (in the tweet below you will find the comprehensive article I am referring to): point_down_tone1:

2021-01-14 05:57:51 UTC  

Does anyone have the data?

2021-01-14 08:55:12 UTC  

PLease pin when data comes out! This needs to be known!

2021-01-14 08:57:08 UTC  

it's not the actual data, just a salty cracker vid talking about the article on the subject

2021-01-14 15:10:42 UTC

2021-01-14 15:10:47 UTC  

It's been done.🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

2021-01-14 15:45:41 UTC  

Watch this!!

2021-01-14 15:45:50 UTC  


2021-01-14 15:51:03 UTC  

That poor woman ;;

2021-01-14 16:27:22 UTC  

I think my biggest issue with people getting Covid (if it is covid and not the flu) is the amount of complaining. If you are well enough to spend 10 minutes telling me how sick you are, you aren’t that sick. And for real! People act like they have never had a chest cold before. I have asthma. I’ve had bronchitis numerous times and even pneumonia. It’s sucks. It feels like someone is ripping out your bronchial tubes. But that’s life. The people I know who had it talk about how awful it is because they can’t get warm and they run out of breath easily...of course...because you are sick.

2021-01-14 16:47:00 UTC  

I used to get the flu all the time growing up, COVID is no where are ass kicking as the flu

2021-01-14 16:48:04 UTC  

a doctor described it best by saying its like altitude sickness.

2021-01-14 16:48:17 UTC  

out of breath doing simple things

2021-01-14 16:49:21 UTC  

the only pandemic is the government lockdowns and fear panic instilled into citizens

2021-01-14 16:49:31 UTC  

My grandma who has smoked 10 packs a day for 50 years and only eats chocolate cake, had covid as well, she got over it in 3 days.

2021-01-14 16:50:42 UTC  

my wife had it for 1 day. my kids 2 days. mine turned into pneumonia on day 8. the pneumonia was bad, but covid wasnt.

2021-01-14 16:51:57 UTC  

Yeah I had it as well and I had it the worst of my family, I got an eye, and nose infection for about 2 weeks but I was already sick before so I don't know if it counts

2021-01-14 17:05:49 UTC  

In terms of who had covid and how bad it was, well, my uncle had it, he is 62 and he wouldn't even notice it if he hadn't tested. His son on the other hand is 30 and he has spent the last 10 days in hospital on oxygen, due to a lung complication, which was caused by covid...

2021-01-14 17:07:10 UTC  

We went because the media made a big deal of a few percents of people having complications, which were most likely caused by covid

2021-01-14 17:24:03 UTC  

thats why herd immunity works, older people who aren't at risk will do better because they have antibodies to similar diseases

2021-01-14 18:31:43 UTC  

Out of 23 people in my circle of friends/fam/coworkers who got it (all within the same week). Everybody was over it in 1-3 days. Only two people (myself included) had it develop into something else more serious. COVID isn't a pandemic. The shut downs/locks down are the pandemic and the danger.