Message from @MagnaBad Delta-Thriller

Discord ID: 800180283927167047

2021-01-17 00:39:44 UTC  

People who do are so extreme they are irrelvent

2021-01-17 00:39:52 UTC  

same as those who praise nazi germany

2021-01-17 00:40:00 UTC  

they exist but they hold no power

2021-01-17 00:42:09 UTC  

I would hope so. But the Nazis did hold power at one point, and they used it. So long as we don't resolve this divide in our country and take back the media, hold the traitors accountable, then we're susceptible to the same foreign occupation

2021-01-17 01:11:35 UTC  

Justin Trudeau fucking endorses China !

2021-01-17 01:14:00 UTC  

i'm not sure about foreign occupation, because i think it's a long way to go before chinese soldiers board up american shore (my estimation is another 10 years). but, i agree with you. the country needs to united.

now, united and become "conservative/populist" is the ideal outcome, but "united" here could also means become nutcases and go far left progressives (in which case, chinese are not having to "occupied" us, they can just buy up lands and continue draining the resources until america is hollow)

2021-01-17 01:16:08 UTC  

That's right. If we fight, China wins. If we unite on the Left's ideals, China wins. But if we want to unite on the Right's ideals, we go back to fighting. That's why media and tech is so important for our battle. It'll take literally all we have just to have a chance at meeting in the middle.

2021-01-17 01:17:37 UTC  

indeed. taking control of education & religions are criterial right now. it'll be at least 10-20 years of "brainwashing" people back to the conservative/libertarian values for the country to be "the same" again

2021-01-17 01:17:44 UTC  

Unfortunately the media are so far left so fat chance on that unless

2021-01-17 01:18:58 UTC  

Brainwashing isn't what we do, but I get your point. We can win this in the long haul, the only problem is the powder keg we have to survive in the now

2021-01-17 01:20:29 UTC  

To persuade the people we need to take over the media

2021-01-17 01:21:40 UTC  

We're at the beginning stages of that with NTD/Epoch and Newsmax. God willing we also need Fox back on our side here. In the internet sphere, again, we're just beginning to see our success. But we absolutely have to survive the purge first before all else.

2021-01-17 01:24:10 UTC  

Don't lament the actions of big tech. We saw the writing on the wall years ago. This divorce was a long time coming. They overplayed their hand far too hard. The plan was to pick us off one by one - Now, we're all moving as a united force to recapture our voices. We're energized and we're going to boost alt-tech, set up our own servers, and find ways to pay for it. And we need to do it right now, while the world and even some of our leftist opponents admonish big tech for what they've done.

2021-01-17 01:26:07 UTC  

Then, when they inevitably eat their own, our arms are open for the refugees. Ultimately, this is how we'll win. We can't be as much of a pain in the ass as FB/Twitter/YT are about their content. We need to show people what speaking freely and fairly is really like. It'll be a breath of fresh air.

2021-01-17 01:26:25 UTC  

Yeah but we need to push it farer

2021-01-17 01:26:42 UTC  

More is better. What's your take on it?

2021-01-17 01:36:54 UTC  

I’m thinking about it but it’s not evident but it gives me some hope that more conservative channels are rising but still we need to take over the mainstream media , especially in Canada. Can’t stand hearing CBC/Radio-Canada and their fake ass left wing bias narrative every fucking day

2021-01-17 01:40:47 UTC  

Canada is an even harder road. But even there, BC, Alberta and the like have folks just as conservative as we are. They haven't gone away. So even with that kind of total control, you can still rise. You can still vote for a conservative gov every once in a while. No, it's not enough, but it's a start. Maybe you guys need to hang on until we sort our shit here. Might give you the push like it did in Europe

2021-01-17 01:44:56 UTC  

Yeah but it’s hard to trust conservatives especially in the east. Conservatives here are like the RINOS in the US, the only close conservative one we had was Maxime Bernier. although we have good candidate like Pierre Polièvre on a federal scale and in Qc we have Eric Duhaime who’s running for the Conservative party in Quebec

2021-01-17 01:48:21 UTC  

yeah in QC you're gonna have a rough time. That being said, just like in Europe, the policies are gonna come back hardest in places like Montreal and Toronto. Then, when the left is wondering what the hell happened, the right can step in and remind them how you got there. That'll turn things around. Sometimes it's the timing that's everything when you're outnumbered like in Canada. In the US, we're not outnumber, nor outgunned. So the timing is right now.

2021-01-17 01:50:46 UTC  

I’m in Montreal and I’m feeling it. But we need the help of Quebeckers and unfortunately a lot of them are sleeping.

2021-01-17 01:53:26 UTC  

Yep. Same thing in Cali. Interesting fact, though. Like Cali, Quebec is home to the largest number of gun owners in the country. There's people there. You just gotta poke them enough. Even with the shenanigans, Cali is more conservative now than it's been in decades. Same can happen to QC, just down the road. Never give up. You are armed with knowledge and information. Maybe take classes on how to deliver it. Charm and charisma go a long way, and it helps if you understand what your opponents value the most.

2021-01-17 01:58:13 UTC  

Nice advice

2021-01-17 02:00:27 UTC  

Can confirm am a California conservative gun owner, 8 weapons owned

2021-01-17 02:00:46 UTC  

Until my boating accident 🤡

2021-01-17 02:29:46 UTC  

SHOCKING NEWS: The EU wants vaccination passports. Only then are you allowed to travel. This is yet another assault on our national sovereignty, because only we can determine that. It's also pretty clumsy, because Southern Europe is very dependent on tourism. #Nexit

2021-01-17 02:30:08 UTC  

The EU has already caused a stir by saying that only they can regulate the vaccines, while the EU is very slow. Some countries such as Hungary arrange their own vaccines. The UK has already vaccinated more after Brexit than the entire EU put together, regardless of stifling EU rules.

2021-01-17 02:52:35 UTC  
2021-01-17 02:53:38 UTC  

If you vaccinate people in a long term care facilities some of them will die naturally out of unrelated causes

2021-01-17 02:55:19 UTC  

Listen I'm not an anti-vaxer or anything like that but I do not trust the covid vaccine. I think if you want to take it you should be allowed to but you should obligate people for taking it bc I'm not gonna take it.

2021-01-17 02:55:31 UTC  

would be better to give them cures instead so they can not die in those long term care facilities

2021-01-17 02:56:03 UTC  

The vaccine side effects are worse than the 'killer virus' itself

2021-01-17 02:56:05 UTC  

the vaxx was never the cure

2021-01-17 02:56:32 UTC  

it's only the cure to big pharma money problems

2021-01-17 02:56:42 UTC  

They developed it in less than a year meanwhile it usually takes 4-25 years to create a vaccine

2021-01-17 02:56:43 UTC  

They investigated it and it was all normal causes

2021-01-17 02:57:24 UTC  

They have had a sars vaccine ready for clinics trials from 12+ years