Message from @fihe

Discord ID: 800594920900919297

2021-01-18 03:45:46 UTC  


2021-01-18 03:45:55 UTC  


2021-01-18 03:46:10 UTC  


2021-01-18 03:46:17 UTC  

Or would it be WLM

2021-01-18 03:46:24 UTC  


2021-01-18 03:47:09 UTC  

You know what they say, if you can't beat em, **beat em**

2021-01-18 03:48:26 UTC  

I like it. Let’s colonize their gay group and make it un-gay

2021-01-18 03:51:08 UTC  

Time to use the "change team" meme

2021-01-18 04:14:38 UTC  

I don't know whats worse, the fact that we just witnessed a socialist takeover, or the fact that every time we've tried to expose it, or speak out against it, we're labeled "sore loosers" by everyone.

2021-01-18 04:18:45 UTC  

Well when we liberate this country we will see what's what

2021-01-18 04:21:26 UTC  

and how are we supposed to accomplish that?

2021-01-18 04:24:43 UTC  

We have 2 options. Dig it all out at the state level and undo all the fuckery while they're blowing the CCP and Antifa, or it all comes to a head and we go down fighting. At least how I see it.

2021-01-18 04:26:26 UTC  

we'd need a well organized movement for either

2021-01-18 04:27:50 UTC  

That's the challenge. Needing to find someone to unite the dispersed masses of angry people into one front

2021-01-18 04:29:52 UTC  

we need to find that someone, and soon

2021-01-18 04:31:56 UTC  

The more and more I see angry people who are mad about these leftist and Marxists garbage the more I am convinced that we will win in the end

2021-01-18 04:32:14 UTC  

It's just from random places

2021-01-18 05:05:46 UTC  

Am i blue

2021-01-18 05:05:53 UTC  

Nope still white

2021-01-18 05:06:04 UTC  

Not the worst thing really

2021-01-18 05:18:23 UTC  

Welp the weekend came and went and no martial law was declared

2021-01-18 05:18:35 UTC  

My mom went panic shopping at Aldi twice this week for nothing

2021-01-18 05:18:50 UTC  

At least we have lots of food

2021-01-18 05:18:56 UTC  

why would Martial Law be declared on a weekend?

2021-01-18 05:19:01 UTC  

Not sure

2021-01-18 05:19:12 UTC  

She thought it would happen sometime last week or this weekend

2021-01-18 05:19:27 UTC  

well we still got this week

2021-01-18 05:25:51 UTC  

I am concerned

2021-01-18 05:26:03 UTC  

Definitely not looking forward to President Biden

2021-01-18 05:26:09 UTC  

I doubt any kind of Martial Law or Insurrection act is coming

2021-01-18 05:26:20 UTC  

If there weren't a Democratic controlled Congress it wouldn't be as bad

2021-01-18 05:26:37 UTC  

But they'll now be able to pass any law they want

2021-01-18 05:27:01 UTC  

Mitch and the GOP should have stood up for Trump, but only now, at the end, do they understand.

2021-01-18 05:27:12 UTC  

That they don't have a party without Trump

2021-01-18 05:27:55 UTC  

We do have a good liberty movement here in NJ but also a ton of statist zombies

2021-01-18 05:28:47 UTC  

the GOP in congress is all turn coat, the dems effectively have a super majority, they can nullify the constitution if they want

2021-01-18 05:28:56 UTC  


2021-01-18 05:29:40 UTC  

and the courts showed us they are all turn coat as well, they'll try and take the guns pretty soon, that will be their undoing

2021-01-18 05:29:41 UTC  

They’ll rip it to shreds and their lemmings will cheer all while the retarded independents “derp that’s not what I voted for derp”

2021-01-18 05:30:48 UTC  

I'm not afraid that the commies have won because they can never win, I only fear what hell I and my family will have to endure before we restore freedom

2021-01-18 05:33:43 UTC  

We gonna suddenly lose all our guns in a boating incident