Message from @OperatorGhost6

Discord ID: 800408076611223593

2021-01-17 16:51:12 UTC  

Where was the meeting with BLM to help change the world y’all were talking about? Oh yeah he left them on read like a booty call

2021-01-17 16:51:13 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6 you commander in chief.. Putin was his best allied

2021-01-17 16:51:18 UTC  

The GOP can't win again once we add 26 justices to the supreme court

2021-01-17 16:51:31 UTC  

Thanks for the votes see y’all again at the next social justice protest before polling

2021-01-17 16:51:35 UTC  

Happy Sunday, Everyone! I was doing some research when I ran across this disturbing article. While it doesn't surprise me, is nonetheless terrifying.

2021-01-17 16:51:39 UTC  

try and take my guns lol oh loard you really should know who we are

2021-01-17 16:51:49 UTC  

Plus we have to give all the farms to China then they can't control cities anymore

2021-01-17 16:52:17 UTC  

The chinese can just keep whatever guns they find whatever

2021-01-17 16:52:26 UTC  

I hope not! I live on a farm!!!

2021-01-17 16:52:28 UTC  

China is our friend. Everything we buy is from china.

2021-01-17 16:52:35 UTC  

Youll run out of bullets theres a trillion of them

2021-01-17 16:52:49 UTC  

Wow would u mind looking up the word fascism for me? Oh and can’t use Wikipedia as your source

2021-01-17 16:53:33 UTC  

not going too happen

2021-01-17 16:53:49 UTC  

I agree with u @OperatorGhost6

2021-01-17 16:54:04 UTC  

you dont even know who i am retard

2021-01-17 16:54:12 UTC  

Storming the capitol of the country to stop a lawful election and install a dictator. - Fascism

2021-01-17 16:54:22 UTC  

@Farmersdaughter thanks will watch later

2021-01-17 16:54:40 UTC  

Again You didn’t look up the term and what it means.

2021-01-17 16:54:43 UTC  

what makes you think i will run out of bullets if needed

2021-01-17 16:55:28 UTC  

People who don’t know about firearms are also screaming guns kill people even though under 1% of gun related violence is done by a legal gun owner and that 1% is done in self defense

2021-01-17 16:55:56 UTC  

you got that right lindsay

2021-01-17 16:56:17 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6 what u goig to use all that ammo against. ?? Zombies or who

2021-01-17 16:56:39 UTC

2021-01-17 16:56:57 UTC  

just watch the show all will be revealed

2021-01-17 16:57:04 UTC  

Really?? That’s the definition? Ok here ya go I’ll do your homework for u

2021-01-17 16:57:36 UTC

2021-01-17 16:58:08 UTC

2021-01-17 16:58:23 UTC  

Or Webster the actual dictionary

2021-01-17 16:58:44 UTC  

Looks like Trump checked all the boxes

2021-01-17 16:58:46 UTC  

Also known as?

2021-01-17 16:58:47 UTC  

ok since you know so much who put all the almost 35000 troops in the dc area

2021-01-17 16:59:19 UTC  

since you know the truth so much

2021-01-17 16:59:21 UTC  

Trump? God u really are that brainwashed aren’t u? He’s a dictator? What rights pray tell were removed from u over the past four years?

2021-01-17 16:59:23 UTC  

Jews and immigrants and leftists as scapegoats the trifecta

2021-01-17 17:00:06 UTC  

Read the first one racial purity? Wasn’t it AOC who said we have to “cleanse the trump movement from our country”?

2021-01-17 17:00:27 UTC  

A bad political ideology isn't a race

2021-01-17 17:00:42 UTC  

nope trumps not the dictator hes being told whats going too happen

2021-01-17 17:00:49 UTC  

They use social justice as a cloak to be able to get into office and do what they want. Complete government control? Yep they have that. So who exactly was the dictator

2021-01-17 17:00:51 UTC  

Fascists don't try to remove fascists from their country 😄

2021-01-17 17:01:11 UTC  

If Trump was what you say he is, he should have shut the fake news media down when they started lying about him, he should have shut down the social media platforms that disagree with what he said/did, and he should have done whatever he wanted, even if all of his advisors told him not to.... Oh wait... That's what the dems have been doing for a while now.... weird....

2021-01-17 17:01:22 UTC  

They do if they say we are fascist to redirect your narrative? They called Jews fascists before the Holocaust