Message from @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘

Discord ID: 799916795614986240

2021-01-16 07:34:37 UTC  

Yes @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ total BS because the demoncrats bail these criminals out

that..... or he sold info

2021-01-16 07:43:28 UTC  

GG @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘, you just advanced to level 8!

if you think about it....thats probably gonna be the worst thing those courts did...... they couldnt possibly know how much this guy is hated.....

hes gonna be hunted down

2021-01-16 07:45:36 UTC  

True @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ we'll see if the MSM reports on it, I agree with you

or..... theres a hidden agenda..... they might have turned him to informant

2021-01-16 07:52:07 UTC  
2021-01-16 07:56:13 UTC  

We'll see what happens πŸ™ <:punish:786404356978114571> <:trump:786404250061766656> <:libtears:786404255010390106>

@koolguy18000 did you see the comments on that vid ? his viewers KNOW whats going on ......

2021-01-16 08:01:33 UTC  

Yes @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ Now i get it after reading the comments, John Sullivan is a target now, good luck to him

its goes back to that old adage..... a chain is only as strong as its weakest link..... this may be him

2021-01-16 08:07:50 UTC  

Yes @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ maybe he can declassify their plans about "inauguration day"

i think itll be bigger than that.....

2021-01-16 08:15:38 UTC  

Ah, Sullivan could expose all of his contacts involved with hin and probably who they got their orders from

hes the son of 2 lawyers....has lived without repercussions, i truly think his family might fall under that all seeing eye organization if you catch my meaning

2021-01-16 08:18:16 UTC  

hes got that, entitled, disdain for humanity, type character going on doesnt he? hes fanatical about antifa, it fits, it really fits imo

2021-01-16 08:21:56 UTC  

Yes @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ and his blonde "gf" or friend works for CNN πŸ’© πŸ’© πŸ’© is complicit also, she should be investigated also

the chips are falling, and hes delusional about the consequences

exactly!!!!! i dont wanna sound morbid, but to compare it to something, its another tie to all of this together, its like the proverbial noose!

2021-01-16 08:26:41 UTC  

Yes, I agree 100% @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ Treason has consequences and this is a global situation we are seeing

agreed! @koolguy18000 ...... this is why i think its getting taken to the high court

i saw vids about italygate and the voter fraud...... one in particular makes alot if sense, no, ONE, country could pull off a coup, such as this on its own, this is multinational, and only one court could handle that.... i really do not envy their jobs right now, this gonna be the biggest mess, that anyone is going to uncover and have to wade in

this is gonna cover multiple nations, multiple organizations, multiple franchises

2021-01-16 08:36:36 UTC  

Yes, @The_Savage_OneπŸŒ‘β™₯β™ πŸ‘‘ It turns out Sidney Powell was 100% correct, that's why the media "wanted to silence her" because the Kraken is the truth πŸ’―

im gonna start a hashtag lol..... #Krakengate lol

it covers everything lol

2021-01-16 08:38:51 UTC  

#Krakengate I like it

instead of "release the kraken!" itll be be "Declassify the Kraken!" 🀣 🀣 🀣

2021-01-16 08:41:40 UTC  

πŸ˜‚ Declassify the Kraken and let the <:libtears:786404255010390106> flow lol

the tentacles of the kraken drip with <:libtears:786404255010390106> 🀣

the kraken is needs to bathe in <:libtears:786404255010390106> 🀣🀣..... oh man i could do this all day

2021-01-16 08:45:57 UTC  

Yes Amen <:punish:786404356978114571> <:punish:786404356978114571> <:punish:786404356978114571>

im gonna stop lol..... i need to get some sleep lol

night hun, tty tomorrow

2021-01-16 08:48:37 UTC  

Lol Gn ttyl

2021-01-16 13:02:31 UTC  

Hi all, hope everyone is well? what are you guys referring to? What's the vid?

2021-01-16 16:36:02 UTC  

Good morning patriots @Pablo Snaggletooth the video of Italygate and the massive voter treason from Sidney Powell is the truth that the MSM dismissed prematurely

2021-01-16 16:50:11 UTC  

@koolguy18000 we've got Obamagate, Italygate, Bill Gates and his ilk. The world has become a gated community.
It'll be around 70 degrees here around Sac'to for three days, folks will be after me to trim Rose's and the like , which will help kill time before Wednesday