Message from @C4X3

Discord ID: 798424987304329246

2021-01-12 05:30:48 UTC  

May God show mercy on us

2021-01-12 05:31:04 UTC  

There is no sin that God won't forgive. His prophets spoke of Trump being our president back in 2007. Did you hear it last time I posted?

2021-01-12 05:31:12 UTC  

Worth a listen, it is a rabbit hole really.

2021-01-12 05:31:53 UTC  

Gives me comfort, I have NO DOUBT in my mind Trump will have this consecutive term. It is much bigger than Trump, it is our revival.

2021-01-12 05:32:08 UTC  

I'll be real with you mate, I don't listen to any so called '''prophets''' outside of scripture

2021-01-12 05:32:38 UTC  

I ain't about to get yeeted into hell for following any false teachers

2021-01-12 05:32:50 UTC  


2021-01-12 05:33:00 UTC

2021-01-12 05:33:21 UTC  

The New Testament Scriptures affirm that prophecy isn't just for today(though the Bible is complete) but we have in the five fold ministry the office of prophet, just like evangelist or pastor.

2021-01-12 05:33:39 UTC  

We aren't held accountable for listening or believing.

2021-01-12 05:33:57 UTC  

We test them by time and if their words are true.

2021-01-12 05:34:00 UTC  

Not only are you a Q groupie, but you make memes with're def younger than 18.

2021-01-12 05:34:04 UTC  

I shall put my faith in the word of the lord

2021-01-12 05:34:22 UTC  

idk he's had his youtube for like 9 years, i doubt he got it when he was 8

2021-01-12 05:34:27 UTC  


2021-01-12 05:34:32 UTC  

Exactly, then you should be open to prophecy.

2021-01-12 05:34:50 UTC  

@dolan that is shocking tbh

2021-01-12 05:35:10 UTC  


2021-01-12 05:35:42 UTC  


2021-01-12 05:35:50 UTC  

"15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

2021-01-12 05:36:44 UTC  

What makes a false prophet?

2021-01-12 05:37:23 UTC  

Repent your evil, Sinner

2021-01-12 05:38:19 UTC  

Ephesians 4:11-13 "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."

2021-01-12 05:38:25 UTC  

Did Trump release a video?

2021-01-12 05:38:57 UTC  

This and and 1 Corinthians 12:10 confirm that prophecy is a New Testament Church position and gift.

2021-01-12 05:40:48 UTC  

Not yet that we know of. Tomorrow supposedly

2021-01-12 05:41:09 UTC  

Roger Stone even believes in this prophecy.

2021-01-12 05:41:13 UTC  

Wasn't he supposed to do one today at 3pm? What happened?

2021-01-12 05:41:15 UTC  


2021-01-12 05:41:25 UTC  

the 3pm was Pompeo only

2021-01-12 05:41:43 UTC  

Oh okay

2021-01-12 05:41:54 UTC  

Trump hasn't said anything for a while. I'm worried.

2021-01-12 05:43:25 UTC  

"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" - Jesus Christ

2021-01-12 05:43:59 UTC  

Be at peace, for even during a life threatening storm we can be gifted peace, brother.

2021-01-12 05:44:19 UTC  


2021-01-12 05:45:19 UTC  

Those verses have definitely made me realize I need to reconsider my stance, however I will still be wary of anyone who claims to be a 'prophet'

2021-01-12 05:47:15 UTC

2021-01-12 05:47:41 UTC  

Absolutely, brother. Be vigilant, wise as a serpent. Many will mislead. But Clement imo has passed the Biblical test, most of what he said came to pass. He met with President Trump shortly after Trump announced he was running, prayed with him, then passed away a couple days after the 2016 election.

2021-01-12 05:47:58 UTC  

He was raised up for this moment and then God called him home.

2021-01-12 05:49:09 UTC  

I say all of this not only because it is part of the Christpill but to bring you the same peace the Holy Spirit brings me during this chaos.