Message from @joyful

Discord ID: 799032853940666368

2021-01-13 21:38:06 UTC  

Q is the reason we are where we are today

2021-01-13 21:38:49 UTC  

A bunch of simple minded fools thinking some magic group is coming to save us. I’d sooner believe the moon landing was faked

2021-01-13 21:39:16 UTC  


2021-01-13 21:40:41 UTC  

i agree

2021-01-13 21:40:58 UTC  


He is the best at EVERYTHING! 🥰❤️

2021-01-13 21:42:21 UTC  

That he is

2021-01-13 21:42:23 UTC  

I’ve decided if anyone comes taking to me about Q nonsense irl I am just not talking to them anymore

2021-01-13 21:42:46 UTC  

Its not worth my time and effort explaining to these idiots how they are con victims

2021-01-13 21:42:47 UTC  

@Coolman3000 that's what I am confused about. what on earth for?

2021-01-13 21:43:07 UTC  

maybe to make a point that the other side is "so dangerous," but, I thought the inauguration* was virtual anyway, so

2021-01-13 21:43:42 UTC  

but if the rallies are a trap how you guys gonna protest then?

2021-01-13 21:43:50 UTC  

I appreciate Trump, and I understand why he is peoples' hero. He reached out to them, and so many politicians scorn "flyover bumpkins". I really liked him, actually, but, I have no idea what's going on right now!

2021-01-13 21:44:00 UTC  

Optics for the Dems to fundraise.

2021-01-13 21:44:17 UTC  

that's what I'm afraid of

2021-01-13 21:44:25 UTC  

huge optics

2021-01-13 21:44:31 UTC  

Gandalf the white. Gandalf the fool. Does he seek to humble me with his new found Piusy ?  

2021-01-13 21:44:57 UTC  


2021-01-13 21:49:30 UTC  

Is this the beginning of the end? If so, my body is ready.

2021-01-13 21:50:57 UTC  

I just saw an "MLAT" plane classified as China in the US. Does the military classify foreign planes all as MLAT?

2021-01-13 21:51:17 UTC  

I don't know, Josef. . . .

2021-01-13 22:04:41 UTC  

2 scoops 2 genders 2 impeachments

2021-01-13 22:17:27 UTC  


2021-01-13 22:17:43 UTC  

Greetings Brothers, what's new?

2021-01-13 22:18:20 UTC  

Feeling confident, God is good. We watch the devil sperg out always before God moves in a big way.

2021-01-13 22:18:34 UTC  

Dems just passed the impeachment

2021-01-13 22:21:59 UTC  

Didn't the Dems do that last time?

2021-01-13 22:22:04 UTC  


2021-01-13 22:22:56 UTC  


2021-01-13 22:28:18 UTC  

dead in the senate

2021-01-13 22:32:25 UTC  

You better hope

2021-01-13 22:32:32 UTC  

I dont trust any of them

2021-01-13 22:32:44 UTC  

Especially not Mitch the bitch

2021-01-13 22:33:03 UTC  

What. Is. My. Name.

2021-01-13 22:33:12 UTC  

Fools hope

2021-01-13 22:33:18 UTC  

Fuck your name

2021-01-13 22:33:19 UTC  

I am surprised 10 House republican voted to impeach

2021-01-13 22:33:29 UTC  

I am not

2021-01-13 22:33:59 UTC  

They stabbed Trump in the back last week how are you surprised about any of these cocksuckers?

2021-01-13 22:34:05 UTC  

So trump is impeached again..... it’s kinda funny

2021-01-13 22:34:07 UTC  

With how the 'republicans' acted during the tabulations and the capitol 'assault', I woyldn't put faith in them